This combines a ReactAdmin site and React Native app, with data from Firebase Firestore. React-admin-firebase is used to connect the admin site to Firebase. Expo is used for the React Native stuff for convenience.
XCode and Android Studio are needed for simulators. To use your own real device instead, install the Expo Go app on your device.
Yarn is required for code dependencies.
Install the Expo command line tool for the React Native app. (Kathrin, when installing this, ignore the message that says to do audit fix.)
npm install --global expo-cli
Make a Firebase project, add a Firestore database.
Set the Firestore rules to only allow authenticated write and read.
rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write: if request.auth != null;
Add an authentication method in Firebase > Authentication > Get Started. The admin code in this project uses email signin method and no registration.
Add yourself as a user in Firebase > Authentication > Users.
Copy the web config data from the Firebase project settings. These will be copied into the admin and client code.
This project assumes that the data is a collection of docs with title
and info
(optional) fields. If you want to provide an ID for each entry, include the ID as the first_key
value. If you don't include this key, Firebase will auto generate an ID. See the data/sample.json
file for dummy data. Here's a snippet with just one doc:
"entry": [
"first_key": "605750a83c1065c082efec0a",
"title": "incididunt dolore tempor",
"info": "this field is optional"
If using a JSON generator to build dummy data, the exported data may be a JSON array. Edit the exported data file and wrap the data array with the "entry" name and enclose it in an object {}
as per the example above.
Make a data file locally with seed data and import it to Firestore using firestore-export-import.
To use your own data schema, remember to change the admin site and app code!
Clone this repo.
git clone [email protected]:benfoley/react-admin-app-template.git
cd react-admin-app-template
Copy the Firebase web config details into client/index.tsx
Install dependencies and run the client app in iOS simulator. Ignore "unmet peer dependency" warnings.
cd client
yarn install
expo start
Now you should see a list of your data's entry titles in the emulator app.
Copy the firebase config into src/App.tsx
Install dependencies and run the admin site. Ignore "unmet peer dependency" warnings.
cd ../admin
yarn install
yarn start
The admin site should open in a browser at http://localhost:3000/
Sign in, and you should see the Dashboard. Click the "Entries" menu item in the left sidebar to administer content.
When logged in, the user account widget in the top right shows
because the account doesn't have a display name. Should fix this. -
The app authenticates to Firestore as an anonymous user. Probably should include tokens or something to prevent anyone getting access using the API keys published here!