A 2D Rock, Paper, Scissor simulation with Pygame.
This game was built using Python 3.11.3 and Pygame 2.3.0.
You need to install Pygame and Scipy to run the simulation:
pip install pygame
pip install pygame_widgets
pip install scipy
Clone the repository or download the code files. Navigate to the project directory and run the command:
python main.py
In the main menu, use the sliders to set the speed and group size of the sprites.
Click on the PLAY
button to start the simulation.
The simulation runs automatically, the group that stays alive in the end wins the round.
Click the Restart
button in the game over screen to play again.
Click the Main menu
button in game over screen to go back to the main menu.
The logo was taken from flaticon.com.
The sprite images are Microsoft Emojis. For more information, visit Font redistribution FAQ for Windows.
The font used in the game is Press Start by CodeMan38.