The files for basic environment
Integrate Tomcat with Apache HTTP Server: Forward JSP/Servlet Content to Tomcat
Practice of basic servlet action (Ajax, Get, Post, error page, dynamic add servlet)
Basic Servlet Practice: Dynamic add servlet programmatically.
Browser Automation, etc
JAVA Selenium Browser Automation Getting Started
JAVA Selenium Commands Testing
Basic Thread, ExecutorService, etc
Use ExecutorService to Run Multiple Callable and Get Results In Order
Key Generation, Encryption, Decryption
Java AES Key Generation, Encryption and Decryption
JAVA AES Encryption Decryption with IV, Salt and any length of Key
JAVA AES Encrypt Decrypt with Any Key, IV and Salt
JAVA RSA Generate KeyPair, Encryption, Decryption and Performance Testing
Java Diff Image and Highlight Differences
Java Message Service (JMS) practice
JAVA JMS: RocketMQ Getting Started
JAVA JMS: RocketMQ NameServer Broker Cluster
Docker Compose Getting Started with JAVA RocketMQ
- Just for Testing...
A practice
Java Practice: practice, Use Google Geocode Web Service
Basic Command Line Lucene Test
Wrap Lucene classes to do search easily.
Test tools in
JAVA Dynamic Compile Class From Text
A simple web based chat room, really simple, contains only: 2 jsp pages, 3 servlet, 1 css file 1 js file
A project for JSTL practice.
JSTL Practice: Basic and Flow Control Tags
JSTL Practice: Number and Date Formatting Tags
JSTL Practice: I18N (Internationalization) practice, Locale, Bundle and Message.
Ant Introduction and First Try
Ant Practice: Encoding Message Bundles by Ant
JSP/Servlet: Use Jawr to reduce page load times.
A RPC client practice
RPC Practice: Practice of Redstone RPC Server and RPC Client
A RPC server practice
RPC Practice: Practice of Redstone RPC Server and RPC Client