The Ti.JBChart project providers a wrapper around the JBChartView.
* This is an iOS native module designed to work with Titanium SDK 3.3.0.GA * This will only work with iOS 7 or greater * Before using this module you first need to install the package. If you need instructions on how to install a 3rd party module please read this installation guide.If you are building from source you will need to do the following:
Import the project into Xcode:
- Modify the titanium.xcconfig file with the path to your Titanium installation
- When running this project from Xcode you might run into a compile issue. If this is the case you will need to update the titanium.xcconfig to include your username. See the below for an example:
TITANIUM_SDK = /Users/benjamin/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/$(TITANIUM_SDK_VERSION)
- Download the latest release from the releases folder ( or you can build it yourself )
- Install the Ti.JBChart module. If you need help here is a "How To" guide.
- You can now use the module via the commonJS require method, example shown below.
var chart = require('ti.jbchart');
The BarChartView creates a bar chart from an array datasource you provide.
data required - Array : An Array of the data to be displayed on the chart. See example section for details.
toolTipData optional - Array : An Array of the tool tip information that should be displayed. There should be one tool tip data array item for each of the data array items provided.
selectionBarColor optional - Color : This property sets the color of the selection bar that is displayed when the user taps the chart. This is white by default.
barColors optional - Array of Colors : An Array of colors, with a color for each of the bars to be displayed. If no bar color is available, a default of blue will be used.
defaultBarColor optional - Color : The default bar color used unless otherwise specified, by default this is green.
barPadding optional - float : The padding between bars in the chart.
chartBackgroundColor optional - Color : This property sets the backgroundColor of the chart, which is by default white. This property can only be set at creation time.
autoRelayoutChartOnOrientationChange optional - Bool : This property sets the behaviour when orientation change occurs. By default the graph will redraw itself.
For a complete example, please visit bar chart in examples
function createRandom(min,max){
return Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1)+min);
var data = [],
colors =[];
for (var iLoop=0;iLoop<12;iLoop++){
colors.push((iLoop % 2 == 0) ? 'blue' : 'green');
var barChart = chart.createBarChartView({
width:Ti.UI.FILL, height:250,
data : data,
toolTipData : ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June','July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
reloadData : The reloadData is called after the chart has been rendered to reload the data provided to the views data property.
Reload Example
data.length = 0; //Reset data collection
for (var iLoop=0;iLoop<12;iLoop++){
//Change the Tool Tip Data
barChart.setToolTipData(['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun','Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']);
//Update the data
//Reload the chart data
selected : The selected event is fired when the user selects a chart object.
unselected : The unselected event is fired when the user removes their focus for the selected chart object.
~~~ chart.addEventListener('selected',function(e){; });chart.addEventListener('unselected',function(e){;
The <b>AreaChartView</b> creates a area chart from an array datasource you provide.
<b>data </b><i>required - Array</i> : This is an Array of Arrays with each Array being the data source of an area chart. For example if the data property is provided [[1,2,3,4,5],[6,7,8,9,10]] it will create two area charts, each with 5 data points. See example section for details.
<b>toolTipData </b><i>optional - Array</i> : An Array of the tool tip information that should be displayed. There should be one tool tip data array item for each of the data array items provided.
<b>selectionBarColor </b><i>optional - Color</i> : This property sets the color of the selection bar that is displayed when the user taps the chart. This is white by default.
<b>selectedLineColors </b><i>optional - Array of Colors</i> : This property sets the color of the line when it is selected by the user. This is an array, the index of the selected chart item will determine what color is applied, by default this is blue. See example for a reference on how this is implemented.
<b>selectedAreaColors </b><i>optional - Array of Colors</i> : This property sets the color of the area when it is selected by the user. This is an array, the index of the selected chart item will determine what color is applied, by default this is blue. See example for a reference on how this is implemented.
<b>lineColors </b><i>optional - Array of Colors</i> : This property sets the color of the outline of the area chart data point.This is an array, with a value for each data source index provided, but default this is green.
<b>fillColors </b><i>optional - Array of Colors</i> : This property sets the color of the fill of the area chart data point. This is an array, with a value for each data source index provided, but default this is green.
<b>defaultSelectedLineColors </b><i>optional - Color</i> : This property sets the default color used for the outline of the selected area, by default this is blue.
<b>defaultSelectedAreaColors </b><i>optional - Color</i> : This property sets the default color used for the selected area, by default this is blue.
<b>defaultLineColors </b><i>optional - Color</i> : This property sets default area outline color to be used unless otherwise specified, by default this is green.
<b>defaultFillColors </b><i>optional - Color</i> : This property sets default area fill color to be used unless otherwise specified, by default this is green.
<b>styles </b><i>optional - Array of Styles</i> : This property sets the style of the Area Chart. By default this style is CHART_AREA_SMOOTH. This can be changed by providing an array of styles, one for each chart data source provided. See example for a reference on how this is implemented.
<b>chartBackgroundColor </b><i>optional - Color</i> : This property sets the backgroundColor of the chart, which is by default white. This property can only be set at creation time.
<b>autoRelayoutChartOnOrientationChange </b><i>optional - Bool</i> : This property sets the behaviour when orientation change occurs. By default the graph will redraw itself.
<h4>View Example</h4>
For a complete example, please visit [area chart in examples](
function createData(){
var result =[];
function createRandom(min,max){
return Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1)+min);
for (var iLoop=0;iLoop<12;iLoop++){
return result;
var data = [];
//Add first area chart
//Add second area chart
var myStyles = [];
//Create the first area chart with a smooth curved line
//Create the second area chart as a with a solid line
var areaChart = chart.createAreaChartView({
width:Ti.UI.FILL, height:250,
data : data,
toolTipData : ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June','July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
selectedLineColors :['yellow','orange'],
selectedFillColors :['yellow','orange'],
styles :myStyles,
<b>reloadData</b> : The reloadData is called after the chart has been rendered to reload the data provided to the views <b>data</b> property.
<b>Reload Example</b>
data.length = 0; //Reset the data collection
data.push(createData()); //Create a new collection for our first chart
data.push(createData()); //Create a new collection for our second chart
//Update the Tool Tip Data
areaChart.setToolTipData(['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun','Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']);
areaChart.setData(data); //Update with new data
areaChart.reloadData(); //Reload Data
<b>selected</b> : The <b>selected</b> event is fired when the user selects a chart object.
<b>unselected</b> : The <b>unselected</b> event is fired when the user removes their focus for the selected chart object.
<h4>Events Example</h4>
The <b>LineChartView</b> creates a line chart from an array datasource you provide.
<b>data </b><i>required - Array</i> : This is an Array of Arrays with each Array being the data source of an area chart. For example if the data property is provided [[1,2,3,4,5],[6,7,8,9,10]] it will create two line charts, each with 5 data points. See example section for details.
<b>toolTipData </b><i>optional - Array</i> : An Array of the tool tip information that should be displayed. There should be one tool tip data array item for each of the data array items provided.
<b>selectionBarColor </b><i>optional - Color</i> : This property sets the color of the selection bar that is displayed when the user taps the chart. This is white by default.
<b>selectedLineColors </b><i>optional - Array of Colors</i> : This property sets the color of the line when it is selected by the user. This is an array, the index of the selected chart item will determine what color is applied, by default this is blue. See example for a reference on how this is implemented.
<b>lineColors </b><i>optional - Array of Colors</i> : This property sets the color of the line in the chart.This is an array, with a value for each data source index provided, but default this is green.
<b>lineWidths </b><i>optional - Array of floats</i> : This property sets the line width for each line on the chart. This is an array, with a value for each data source index provided, but default this is 6.
<b>defaultLineColor </b><i>optional - Color</i> : This property sets the default color the line unless otherwise specified, by default this is green.
<b>defaultLineWidth </b><i>optional - float</i> : This property sets the line width unless otherwise specified, by default this is 6.
<b>styles </b><i>optional - Array of Styles</i> : This property sets the style of the Line Chart. By default this style is CHART_LINE_SOLID. This can be changed by providing an array of styles, one for each chart data source provided. See example for a reference on how this is implemented.
<b>chartBackgroundColor </b><i>optional - Color</i> : This property sets the backgroundColor of the chart, which is by default white. This property can only be set at creation time.
<b>autoRelayoutChartOnOrientationChange </b><i>optional - Bool</i> : This property sets the behaviour when orientation change occurs. By default the graph will redraw itself.
<h4>View Example</h4>
For a complete example, please visit [line chart in examples](
function createData(){
var result =[];
function createRandom(min,max){
return Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1)+min);
for (var iLoop=0;iLoop<12;iLoop++){
return result;
var data = [];
//Add first line chart
//Add second line chart
var myStyles = [];
//Create the first line chart with a solid line
//Create the second line chart as a with a dashed line
var lineChart = chart.createLineChartView({
width:Ti.UI.FILL, height:250,
data : data,
toolTipData : ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'],
selectedLineColors :['yellow','orange'],
styles : myStyles,
<b>reloadData</b> : The reloadData is called after the chart has been rendered to reload the data provided to the views <b>data</b> property.
<b>Reload Example</b>
data.length = 0; //Reset the data collection
data.push(createData()); //Create a new collection for our first chart
data.push(createData()); //Create a new collection for our second chart
//Update the Tool Tip Data
lineChart.setToolTipData(['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']);
lineChart.setData(data); //Update with new data
lineChart.reloadData(); //Reload Data
<h4>Events Example</h4>
<h2>Module Properties</h2>
<b>CHART_LINE_SOLID</b> : This property is used set a solid line when displaying the LineChartView.
<b>CHART_LINE_DASHED</b> : This property is used set a dashed line when displaying the LineChartView.
<b>CHART_AREA_SMOOTH</b> : This property is used set a smooth area effect for the AreaChartView.
<b>CHART_AREA_SOLID</b> : This property is used set a solid area effect for the AreaChartView.
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For module updates, Titanium tutorials and more please check out my blog at [benCoding.Com](
This project provides a Titanium wrapper for Jawbone's great graphing library [JBChartView](