The Ornithometrics task view was available from Now, you can consult the .ctv file and output html page directly. I welcome anyone who want to host the page again.
The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN)'s website provides task views for a variety of topics, guiding the users to a diversity of packages that could be useful to that topic. Here we provide a collection of relevant packages in ornithology that covers a wide variety of topics in avian studies.
A package is missing? Please, feel free to get in touch and share your ideas!
# Install and load libraries ----------------------------------------------------------
# Download the CTV to a know location -------------------------------------
# On Github, the ".ctv" is in "scripts" folder
ornitho.metrics.ctv <- read.ctv("scripts/Ornithometrics.ctv")
# Use the install.packages() function to install the packages
The references of the packages in the CTV can be found in the bib
folder here.