cSchannel Dsc Resource to modify SSL endpoint configuration
The cSchannel DSC resource configures all aspects of SCHANNEL. For quick reference of the best settings check (
Also Alexander Hass wrote an article and scripts to do the same: (
- cProtocol set protocol configuration
- cCipher set Cipher configuration
- cHash set hashes configuration
- cKeyExchangeAlgoritm set KeyExchangeAlgorithms configuration
- cCipherSuites set cipher suites order
- Protocol: Set configuration for any of these protocols
- Valid values include: {'Multi-Protocol Unified Hello'|'PCT 1.0'|'SSL 2.0'|'SSL 3.0'|'TLS 1.0'|'TLS 1.1'|'TLS 1.2'}
- includeClientSide : Include client schannel protocol
- Valid values include: {$true | $false}
- Ensure: Wheter the SCHANNEL procotol is allowed {Present} or denied {Absent}
- Cipher: Set configuration for any of these ciphers
- Valid values include: {'AES 128/128'|'AES 256/256'|'DES 56/56'|'NULL'|'RC2 128/128'|'RC2 40/128'|'RC2 56/128'|'RC4 128/128'|'RC4 40/128'|'RC4 56/128'|'RC4 64/128'|'Triple DES 168'}
- Ensure: Wheter the SCHANNEL Cipher is allowed {Present} or denied {Absent}
- Hash: Set configuration for any of these Hashes
- Valid values include: {'MD5'|'SHA'|'SHA256'|'SHA384'|'SHA512'}
- Ensure: Wheter the SCHANNEL Hash is allowed {Present} or denied {Absent}
- KeyExchangeAlgoritm: Set configuration for any of these Key Exchange Algoritms
- Valid values include: {'Diffie-Hellman'|'ECDH'|'PKCS'}
- Ensure: Wheter the SCHANNEL KeyExchangeAlgoritm is allowed {Present} or denied {Absent}
- CipherSuitesOrder: Array of cipher suites.
- Ensure: Wheter the CryptoCipherSuites is modified {Present} or Serverdefaults. {Absent}
configuration Sample_cSchannel
Import-DscResource -ModuleName cSchannel -ModuleVersion 1.0
#region settings
$DeniedProtocols = @(
@{Protocol='Multi-Protocol Unified Hello';Ensure='Absent'},
@{Protocol='PCT 1.0';Ensure='Absent'},
@{Protocol='SSL 2.0';Ensure='Absent'},
@{Protocol='SSL 3.0';Ensure='Absent'}
$AllowedProtocols = @(
@{Protocol='TLS 1.0';Ensure='Present'},
@{Protocol='TLS 1.1';Ensure='Present'},
@{Protocol='TLS 1.2';Ensure='Present'}
$DeniedCiphers = @(
@{Cipher='DES 56/56';Ensure='Absent'},
@{Cipher='RC2 128/128';Ensure='Absent'},
@{Cipher='RC2 40/128';Ensure='Absent'},
@{Cipher='RC2 56/128';Ensure='Absent'},
@{Cipher='RC4 128/128';Ensure='Absent'},
@{Cipher='RC4 40/128';Ensure='Absent'},
@{Cipher='RC4 56/128';Ensure='Absent'},
@{Cipher='RC4 64/128';Ensure='Absent'}
$AllowedCiphers = @(
@{Cipher='AES 128/128';Ensure='Present'},
@{Cipher='AES 256/256';Ensure='Present'},
@{Cipher='Triple DES 168';Ensure='Present'}
$AllowedHashes = @(
$AllowedKeyExchangeAlgoritm = @(
$cipherSuites = @(
node localhost{
foreach($Denied in $DeniedProtocols)
cProtocol ("Deny-" + ($Denied.Protocol).replace('.','').replace(' ', ''))
Protocol = $Denied.Protocol
Ensure = $Denied.Ensure
includeClientSide = $true
foreach($Allowed in $AllowedProtocols)
cProtocol ("Allow-" + ($Allowed.Protocol).replace('.','').replace(' ', ''))
Protocol = $Allowed.Protocol
Ensure = $Allowed.Ensure
includeClientSide = $true
foreach($Denied in $DeniedCiphers)
cCipher ("Deny-" + ($Denied.Cipher).replace('.','').replace(' ', '').replace('/','-'))
Cipher = $Denied.Cipher
Ensure = $Denied.Ensure
foreach($Allowed in $AllowedCiphers)
cCipher ("Allow-" + ($Allowed.Cipher).replace('.','').replace(' ', '').replace('/','-'))
Cipher = $Allowed.Cipher
Ensure = $Allowed.Ensure
foreach($Allowed in $AllowedHashes)
cHash ("Allow-" + ($Allowed.Hash))
Hash = $Allowed.Hash
Ensure = $Allowed.Ensure
foreach($Allowed in $AllowedKeyExchangeAlgoritm)
cKeyExchangeAlgoritm ("Allow-" + ($Allowed.KeyExchangeAlgoritm))
KeyExchangeAlgoritm = $Allowed.KeyExchangeAlgoritm
Ensure = $Allowed.Ensure
cCipherSuites CipherSuites
Ensure = "Present"
CipherSuitesOrder = $cipherSuites