Warning This SDK has been deprecated in favor of the new Biconomy SDK. Please use the new SDK for all new projects and consider migrating existing ones.
Visit docs.biconomy.io for updated documentation and migration guides.
The Biconomy SDK is your all-in-one toolkit for building decentralized applications (dApps) with ERC4337 Account Abstraction and Smart Accounts. It is designed for seamless user experiences and offers non-custodial solutions for user onboarding, sending transactions (userOps), gas sponsorship and much more.
- Add the package:
bun add abstractjs viem @rhinestone/module-sdk
- Basic Usage:
import { toMultichainNexusAccount, mcUSDC } from "abstractjs";
import { base, optimism } from "viem/chains";
import { privateKeyToAccount } from "viem/accounts";
const eoaAccount = privateKeyToAccount(`0x${process.env.PRIVATE_KEY}`)
const mcNexus = await toMultichainNexusAccount({
chains: [base, optimism],
signer: eoaAccount
const meeClient = createMeeClient({ account: mcNexus })
const quote = await meeClient.getQuote({
instructions: [{
calls: [{ to: "0x...", value: 1n }],
chainId: base.id
feeToken: {
address: mcUSDC.addressOn(base.id), // Token used to pay for the transaction
chainId: base.id // Chain where the payment will be processed
// Execute the quote and get back a transaction hash
// This sends the transaction to the network
const { hash } = await meeClient.executeQuote({ quote })
- Node.js (v22 or higher)
- Bun package manager
- Foundry
- Yarn (must be 1.1.x, not 3.x). This is necessary because the nexus contracts repo relies on yarn.
bun install --frozen-lockfile
Running Tests:
# Run all tests
bun run test
# Run tests for a specific subset of tests (by test description)
bun run test -t=mee
For detailed information about the testing framework, network configurations, and debugging guidelines, please refer to our Testing Documentation.
For a comprehensive understanding of our project and to contribute effectively, please refer to the following resources:
- Biconomy Documentation
- Biconomy Dashboard
- API Documentation
- Contributing Guidelines: Learn how to contribute to our project, from code contributions to documentation improvements.
- Code of Conduct: Our commitment to fostering an open and welcoming environment.
- Security Policy: Guidelines for reporting security vulnerabilities.
- Changelog: Stay updated with the changes and versions
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details