Breaking Changes
- [KBDEV-1158] - clinicaltrial loader now uses api upload instead of file
- [KBDEV-1167] - cancergenomeinterpreter now uses biomarkers file instead of biomarker_per_variant
- [KBDEV-1135] - ncit loader updated to use latest file
- [KBDEV-1139] - ensembl loader updated to use latest file with proteins
New Features
- all_source: New loader to upload all sources
- Snakefile: Fix loading errors
- [KBDEV-1050] - docm: Remap some statements to "recurrent" relevance term
- [KBDEV-1086] - vocabulary ontology data: Link "copy variant" to "mutation" instead of "structural variant"
- ncit: Use preferredName to handle the drugs with different id but the same name
- moa: Handle empty string
- [KBDEV-957] - sources: Add ESMO, tso500 and Profile as source
- [KBDEV-1120] - evidenceLevels ontology data: Add more Profile evidenceLevels
- [KBDEV-1084] - vocabulary ontology data: Add "cancer gene"
- Snakefile: Add all_local and all_ontologies