Submitted by: Chloe Casuga
HelloWorld is an android app that shows an image and introductory message, and allows pressing a button to display a Toast.
Time spent: 4 hours spent in total
The following required functionality is completed:
- Image and introductory message displayed on screen
- Button displayed on screen
- Toast with message appears when button is pressed
The following optional features are implemented:
- List anything else that you can get done to improve the app functionality!
Here's a walkthrough of implemented features:
GIF created with ...
Kap for macOS
I encountered several obstacles with this application: initially, I did not have any issues with the Toast statement. After I stepped away from my project over the weekend, I returned to find the Toast statement no longer visible when I clicked the button on the emulator. Also, while typing in the commands in the terminal, I was prompted to authenticate using my GitHub credentials, but I was met with an error saying that terminal authentication was removed in 2021 so I could not push the walkthrough gif through command line--rather, I had to manually upload the gif through GitHub.
I followed the prework tutorials attentively, however I still encountered these issues. I tried troubleshooting the best I could, but I still could not get the Toast message to appear on the emulator.
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