I took quite some time but here it is: The first major release π
This release adds most of the Icinga2 API actions which can be performed on objects.
Also handling comments, downtimes and acknowledgements are now fully supported.
- Reschedule host or service #26
- Implement enable/disable command to modify application features #24
- Add/display comments, acknowledgements and downtimes to host and service status results #25
- Add ability to remove acknowledgements/downtimes/comments #29
- Add command to display services/hosts which are ack/dt/com #38
- Allow to use previous command options with special option β!!β #37
- Add action to delay notifications #33
- Add comments and downtime details to object details view #31
- Add βπ¬β to host and service title if these objects have comments #30
- Add β(handled)β to host/service links #28
- Add command to send custom notification #27
- Query user details delayed #23
- Parse filters with quotes differently to allow for explicit names #18
- Tell user on error which command the user is using #40
Bug fixes:
- Take care of pending services without check result #39
- Add description of slack bot creation to README #35
- Refactor internal command parsing and create class with command methods #19
- Move to icinga2apic as dependency #32