Built-based on the documentation: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/mapping.html
Elasticsearch Mapping Builder | Elasticsearch |
Version: 1.0.7 | Version: 5.x |
Version: 1.1.0 | Version: 7.x |
implementation 'org.frekele.elasticsearch:elasticsearch-mapping-builder:1.1.0'
MappingBuilder mappingBuilder;
MappingBuilder mappingBuilder = new MappingBuilderImpl();
ObjectMapping mapping = mappingBuilder.build(MyEntity1.class, MyEntity2.class, MyEntity3.class);
String jsonMapping = mapping.getContentAsString();
XContentBuilder contentBuilder = mapping.getContent();
String jsonMapping =contentBuilder.string();
MappingBuilder mappingBuilder;
public String getMapping() {
return mappingBuilder.build(BookEntity.class).getContentAsString();
public class BookEntity {
private String isbn;
private String name;
private String description;
private OffsetDateTime releaseDate;
private Boolean active;
private String imageBlob;
private AuthorEntity author;
public class AuthorEntity {
private Long id;
private String name;
private String artisticName;
MappingBuilder mappingBuilder;
public String getMapping() {
return mappingBuilder.build(EmployeeEntity.class).getContentAsString();
public class AddressEntity {
private String postalCode;
private String street;
private Long number;
public class EmployeeEntity {
private Long id;
private String documentNumber;
private String registerNumber;
suffixName = "binary",
docValues = @BoolValue(true),
store = @BoolValue(true))
private String binaryValue;
boost = @FloatValue(1),
docValues = @BoolValue(true),
index = @BoolValue(true),
store = @BoolValue(true))
private Boolean booleanValue;
suffixName = "byte",
coerce = @BoolValue(true),
boost = @FloatValue(0.2f),
docValues = @BoolValue(true),
ignoreMalformed = @BoolValue(true),
index = @BoolValue(true),
store = @BoolValue(true)
private Byte byteValue;
suffixName = "completion",
analyzer = "myAnalyzer",
searchAnalyzer = "mySearchAnalyzer",
preserveSeparators = @BoolValue(true),
preservePositionIncrements = @BoolValue(true),
maxInputLength = @IntValue(50)
private String completionValue;
suffixName = "date",
boost = @FloatValue(1),
docValues = @BoolValue(true),
format = "basic_date_time",
locale = "en-US",
ignoreMalformed = @BoolValue(true),
index = @BoolValue(true),
nullValue = "NULL",
store = @BoolValue(true)
private Date dateValue;
suffixName = "dateRange",
boost = @FloatValue(1),
docValues = @BoolValue(true),
format = "basic_date_time",
locale = "en-US",
ignoreMalformed = @BoolValue(true),
index = @BoolValue(true),
nullValue = "NULL",
store = @BoolValue(true)
private Date dateRangeValue;
suffixName = "double",
coerce = @BoolValue(true),
boost = @FloatValue(1),
docValues = @BoolValue(true),
ignoreMalformed = @BoolValue(true),
index = @BoolValue(true),
store = @BoolValue(true)
private Double doubleValue;
suffixName = "doubleRange",
coerce = @BoolValue(true),
boost = @FloatValue(1),
index = @BoolValue(true),
store = @BoolValue(true)
private Double doubleRangeValue;
suffixName = "float",
coerce = @BoolValue(true),
boost = @FloatValue(1),
docValues = @BoolValue(true),
ignoreMalformed = @BoolValue(true),
index = @BoolValue(true),
store = @BoolValue(true)
private Float floatValue;
suffixName = "floatRange",
coerce = @BoolValue(true),
boost = @FloatValue(1),
index = @BoolValue(true),
store = @BoolValue(true)
private Float floatRangeValue;
suffixName = "geoPoint",
ignoreMalformed = @BoolValue(true)
private String geoPointValue;
suffixName = "geoShape",
tree = "geohash",
precision = "kilometers",
treeLevels = "50m",
strategy = "recursive",
distanceErrorPct = @FloatValue(0.025f),
orientation = "ccw",
pointsOnly = @BoolValue(false)
private String geoShapeValue;
suffixName = "halfFloat",
coerce = @BoolValue(true),
boost = @FloatValue(1),
docValues = @BoolValue(true),
ignoreMalformed = @BoolValue(true),
index = @BoolValue(true),
store = @BoolValue(true)
private Float halfFloatValue;
suffixName = "integer",
coerce = @BoolValue(true),
boost = @FloatValue(1),
docValues = @BoolValue(true),
ignoreMalformed = @BoolValue(true),
index = @BoolValue(true),
store = @BoolValue(true)
private Integer integerValue;
suffixName = "integerRange",
coerce = @BoolValue(true),
boost = @FloatValue(1),
index = @BoolValue(true),
store = @BoolValue(true)
private Integer integerRangeValue;
suffixName = "ip",
boost = @FloatValue(1),
docValues = @BoolValue(true),
index = @BoolValue(true),
nullValue = "NULL",
store = @BoolValue(true)
private String ipValue;
suffixName = "ipRange",
coerce = @BoolValue(true),
boost = @FloatValue(1),
index = @BoolValue(true),
store = @BoolValue(true)
private String ipRangeValue;
suffixName = "keyword",
analyzer = "myAnalyzer",
boost = @FloatValue(1),
docValues = @BoolValue(true),
eagerGlobalOrdinals = @BoolValue(true),
ignoreAbove = @IntValue(350),
index = @BoolValue(true),
indexOptions = "docs",
norms = @BoolValue(true),
nullValue = "NULL",
store = @BoolValue(true),
similarity = "BM25",
normalizer = "my_normalizer"
private String keywordValue;
suffixName = "long",
coerce = @BoolValue(true),
boost = @FloatValue(1),
docValues = @BoolValue(true),
ignoreMalformed = @BoolValue(true),
index = @BoolValue(true),
store = @BoolValue(true)
private Long longValue;
suffixName = "longRange",
coerce = @BoolValue(true),
boost = @FloatValue(1),
index = @BoolValue(true),
store = @BoolValue(true)
private Long longRangeValue;
suffixName = "percolator"
private String percolatorValue;
suffixName = "scaledFloat",
coerce = @BoolValue(true),
boost = @FloatValue(1),
docValues = @BoolValue(true),
ignoreMalformed = @BoolValue(true),
index = @BoolValue(true),
store = @BoolValue(true),
scalingFactor = @IntValue(100)
private Float scaledFloatValue;
suffixName = "short",
coerce = @BoolValue(true),
boost = @FloatValue(1),
docValues = @BoolValue(true),
ignoreMalformed = @BoolValue(true),
index = @BoolValue(true),
store = @BoolValue(true)
private Short shortValue;
suffixName = "text",
analyzer = "myAnalyzer",
boost = @FloatValue(1),
eagerGlobalOrdinals = @BoolValue(true),
fielddata = @BoolValue(true),
fielddataFrequencyFilter = @FielddataFrequencyFilterValue(
min = @FloatValue(0.001f),
max = @FloatValue(0.1f),
minSegmentSize = @IntValue(500)
index = @BoolValue(true),
indexOptions = "",
norms = @BoolValue(true),
positionIncrementGap = @IntValue(100),
store = @BoolValue(true),
searchAnalyzer = "mySearchAnalyzer",
searchQuoteAnalyzer = "my_analyzer",
similarity = "BM25",
termVector = "no",
copyTo = {"anotherField"}
private String textValue;
suffixName = "tokenCount",
analyzer = "myAnalyzer",
enablePositionIncrements = @BoolValue(true),
boost = @FloatValue(1),
docValues = @BoolValue(true),
index = @BoolValue(true),
nullValue = "NULL",
store = @BoolValue(true)
private String tokenCountValue;
dynamic = @BoolValue(true),
includeInAll = @BoolValue(true)
private InnerDocumentEntity nestedValue;
dynamic = @BoolValue(true),
enabledJson = @BoolValue(true),
includeInAll = @BoolValue(true)
private InnerDocumentEntity objectValue;
path = "/custom/mapping/test-custom-field.json",
classLoader = ClassLoader.class)
private String customValue;
suffixName = "text",
analyzer = "myAnalyzer",
boost = @FloatValue(1),
eagerGlobalOrdinals = @BoolValue(true),
fielddata = @BoolValue(true),
fielddataFrequencyFilter = @FielddataFrequencyFilterValue(
min = @FloatValue(0.001f),
max = @FloatValue(0.1f),
minSegmentSize = @IntValue(500)
index = @BoolValue(true),
indexOptions = "",
norms = @BoolValue(true),
positionIncrementGap = @IntValue(100),
store = @BoolValue(true),
searchAnalyzer = "mySearchAnalyzer",
searchQuoteAnalyzer = "my_analyzer",
similarity = "BM25",
termVector = "no",
copyTo = {"anotherField"}
suffixName = "keyword",
analyzer = "myAnalyzer",
boost = @FloatValue(1),
docValues = @BoolValue(true),
eagerGlobalOrdinals = @BoolValue(true),
ignoreAbove = @IntValue(350),
index = @BoolValue(true),
indexOptions = "docs",
norms = @BoolValue(true),
nullValue = "NULL",
store = @BoolValue(true),
similarity = "BM25",
normalizer = "my_normalizer"
suffixName = "completion",
analyzer = "myAnalyzer",
searchAnalyzer = "mySearchAnalyzer",
preserveSeparators = @BoolValue(true),
preservePositionIncrements = @BoolValue(true),
maxInputLength = @IntValue(50)
private String multiFieldValue;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime
import org.frekele.elasticsearch.mapping.MappingBuilderImpl
import org.frekele.elasticsearch.mapping.annotations._
import org.frekele.elasticsearch.mapping.annotations.values.IntValue
import scala.annotation.meta.field
case class BookEntity(
isbn: String,
@(ElasticKeywordField@field)(ignoreAbove = new IntValue(256))
name: String,
description: String,
releaseDate: OffsetDateTime,
active: Boolean,
imageBlob: String,
author: AuthorEntity
case class AuthorEntity(
id: Long,
name: String,
artisticName: String
object Main extends App {
println(new MappingBuilderImpl().build(true, classOf[BookEntity]).getContentAsString)
Copyright © 2017-2019 - @frekele<Leandro Kersting de Freitas>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.