make install
backup original dotfiles to $HOME/.mydotfiles.backup and make symbolic links to this repo
make uninstall
restore original dotfiles from backup
- Why vim (in russian)
- Switch ctrl and caps
- Use ctrl+[ instead of esc
- Plugin manager junegunn/vim-plug
- leaderleader - scrooloose/nerdtree
- ctrl+h - move left to left split
- ctrl+l - move right to right split
- ctrl+k - move up to top split
- ctrl+j - move down to bottom split
- leaderb - show buffer list jeetsukumaran/vim-buffergator
- gb and gB to flip through the most-recently used buffer stack
- gcc - toggle commenting tpope/vim-commentary
- tab - autocomplete lifepillar/vim-mucomplete
I recommend
- using bash as instructions say
chsh -s /bin/bash
- setting
alias gcc='gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror'
andalias norminette='norminette -R CheckForbiddenSourceHeader'
(check my.bash_aliases