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Update bbn_wave_freq_m5atomS3.ino
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mgrouch authored Aug 31, 2024
1 parent d1c7804 commit 80c823b
Showing 1 changed file with 255 additions and 120 deletions.
375 changes: 255 additions & 120 deletions bbn_wave_freq_m5atomS3/bbn_wave_freq_m5atomS3.ino
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,140 +1,275 @@
#ifndef Mahony_AHRS_h
#define Mahony_AHRS_h
Ocean wave frequency estimator using esp32 (m5atomS3)
Instead of FFT method for finding main wave frequency we could use Aranovskiy frequency estimator which is a simple on-line filter.
Alexey A. Bobtsov, Nikolay A. Nikolaev, Olga V. Slita, Alexander S. Borgul, Stanislav V. Aranovskiy
The New Algorithm of Sinusoidal Signal Frequency Estimation.
11th IFAC International Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing July 3-5, 2013. Caen, France

#include <M5Unified.h>
#include <M5AtomS3.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "AranovskiyFilter.h"
#include "KalmanSmoother.h"
#include "TrochoidalWave.h"
#include "Mahony_AHRS.h"

// Strength of the calibration operation;
// 0: disables calibration.
// 1 is weakest and 255 is strongest.
static constexpr const uint8_t calib_value = 64;

// This sample code performs calibration by clicking on a button or screen.
// After 10 seconds of calibration, the results are stored in NVS.
// The saved calibration values are loaded at the next startup.
// === How to calibration ===
// ※ Calibration method for Accelerometer
// Change the direction of the main unit by 90 degrees
// and hold it still for 2 seconds. Repeat multiple times.
// It is recommended that as many surfaces as possible be on the bottom.
// Madgwick's implementation of Mahony's AHRS algorithm.
// See:
// ※ Calibration method for Gyro
// Simply place the unit on a quiet desk and hold it still.
// It is recommended that this be done after the accelerometer calibration.
// ※ Calibration method for geomagnetic sensors
// Rotate the main unit slowly in multiple directions.
// It is recommended that as many surfaces as possible be oriented to the north.
// Values for extremely large attitude changes are ignored.
// During calibration, it is desirable to move the device as gently as possible.

#include <math.h>
struct rect_t {
int32_t x;
int32_t y;
int32_t w;
int32_t h;

#define RAD_TO_DEG 57.295779513082320876798154814105
static constexpr const float coefficient_tbl[3] = { 0.5f, (1.0f / 256.0f), (1.0f / 1024.0f) };
static uint8_t calib_countdown = 0;

#define twoKpDef (2.0f * 1.0f) // 2 * proportional gain
#define twoKiDef (2.0f * 0.0f) // 2 * integral gain
static auto &dsp = (M5.Display);
static rect_t rect_text_area;

typedef struct mahony_AHRS_vars {
float twoKp = twoKpDef; // 2 * proportional gain (Kp)
float twoKi = twoKiDef; // 2 * integral gain (Ki)
float q0 = 1.0;
float q1 = 0.0;
float q2 = 0.0;
float q3 = 0.0; // quaternion of sensor frame relative to auxiliary frame
float integralFBx = 0.0f;
float integralFBy = 0.0f;
float integralFBz = 0.0f; // integral error terms scaled by Ki
} Mahony_AHRS_Vars;
static int prev_xpos[18];

void mahony_AHRS_init(Mahony_AHRS_Vars* m, float twoKp, float twoKi);
unsigned long now = 0UL, last_refresh = 0UL, last_update = 0UL;
int got_samples = 0;

void mahony_AHRS_update(Mahony_AHRS_Vars* m,
float gx, float gy, float gz, float ax, float ay, float az,
float *pitch, float *roll, float *yaw, float delta_t_sec);
float invSqrt(float x);
AranovskiyParams params;
AranovskiyState state;

The gain is the Kp term in a PID controller, tune it as you would any PID controller (missing the I and D terms).
If Kp is too low, the filter will respond slowly to changes in sensor orientation.
If too high, the filter output will oscillate.
void mahony_AHRS_init(Mahony_AHRS_Vars* m, float twoKp, float twoKi) {
m->twoKp = twoKp;
m->twoKi = twoKi;
float omega_up = 2.5 * (2 * PI); // upper frequency Hz * 2 * PI
float k_gain = 2.0;

// IMU algorithm update (without magnetometer)
void mahony_AHRS_update(Mahony_AHRS_Vars* m,
float gx, float gy, float gz, float ax, float ay, float az,
float *pitch, float *roll, float *yaw, float delta_t_sec) {
float recipNorm;
float halfvx, halfvy, halfvz;
float halfex, halfey, halfez;
float qa, qb, qc;

// Compute feedback only if accelerometer measurement valid (avoids NaN in
// accelerometer normalisation)
if (!((ax == 0.0f) && (ay == 0.0f) && (az == 0.0f))) {
// Normalise accelerometer measurement
recipNorm = invSqrt(ax * ax + ay * ay + az * az);
ax *= recipNorm;
ay *= recipNorm;
az *= recipNorm;

// Estimated direction of gravity and vector perpendicular to magnetic flux
halfvx = m->q1 * m->q3 - m->q0 * m->q2;
halfvy = m->q0 * m->q1 + m->q2 * m->q3;
halfvz = m->q0 * m->q0 - 0.5f + m->q3 * m->q3;

// Error is sum of cross product between estimated and measured direction of gravity
halfex = (ay * halfvz - az * halfvy);
halfey = (az * halfvx - ax * halfvz);
halfez = (ax * halfvy - ay * halfvx);

// Compute and apply integral feedback if enabled
if (m->twoKi > 0.0f) {
m->integralFBx += m->twoKi * halfex * delta_t_sec; // integral error scaled by Ki
m->integralFBy += m->twoKi * halfey * delta_t_sec;
m->integralFBz += m->twoKi * halfez * delta_t_sec;
gx += m->integralFBx; // apply integral feedback
gy += m->integralFBy;
gz += m->integralFBz;
} else {
m->integralFBx = 0.0f; // prevent integral windup
m->integralFBy = 0.0f;
m->integralFBz = 0.0f;
float t_0 = 0.0;
float x1_0 = 0.0;
float theta_0 = - (omega_up * omega_up / 4.0);
float sigma_0 = theta_0;

float delta_t; // time step sec

KalmanSmootherVars kalman;

int first = 1;

Mahony_AHRS_Vars mahony;

const char* name;

void updateCalibration(uint32_t c, bool clear = false) {
calib_countdown = c;

if (c == 0) {
clear = true;

if (clear) {
memset(prev_xpos, 0, sizeof(prev_xpos));
if (c) {
// Start calibration.
M5.Imu.setCalibration(calib_value, calib_value, calib_value);
// The actual calibration operation is performed each time during M5.Imu.update.
// There are three arguments, which can be specified in the order of Accelerometer, gyro, and geomagnetic.
// If you want to calibrate only the Accelerometer, do the following.
// M5.Imu.setCalibration(100, 0, 0);
// If you want to calibrate only the gyro, do the following.
// M5.Imu.setCalibration(0, 100, 0);
// If you want to calibrate only the geomagnetism, do the following.
// M5.Imu.setCalibration(0, 0, 100);
else {
// Stop calibration. (Continue calibration only for the geomagnetic sensor)
M5.Imu.setCalibration(0, 0, calib_value);

// If you want to stop all calibration, write this.
// M5.Imu.setCalibration(0, 0, 0);

// Apply proportional feedback
gx += m->twoKp * halfex;
gy += m->twoKp * halfey;
gz += m->twoKp * halfez;
// save calibration values.
dsp.fillRect(0, 0, rect_text_area.w, rect_text_area.h, TFT_BLACK);

// Integrate rate of change of quaternion
gx *= (0.5f * delta_t_sec); // pre-multiply common factors
gy *= (0.5f * delta_t_sec);
gz *= (0.5f * delta_t_sec);
qa = m->q0;
qb = m->q1;
qc = m->q2;
m->q0 += (-qb * gx - qc * gy - m->q3 * gz);
m->q1 += (qa * gx + qc * gz - m->q3 * gy);
m->q2 += (qa * gy - qb * gz + m->q3 * gx);
m->q3 += (qa * gz + qb * gy - qc * gx);

// Normalise quaternion
recipNorm = invSqrt(m->q0 * m->q0 + m->q1 * m->q1 + m->q2 * m->q2 + m->q3 * m->q3);
m->q0 *= recipNorm;
m->q1 *= recipNorm;
m->q2 *= recipNorm;
m->q3 *= recipNorm;

*pitch = asin(-2 * m->q1 * m->q3 + 2 * m->q0 * m->q2); // pitch
*roll = atan2(2 * m->q2 * m->q3 + 2 * m->q0 * m->q1,
-2 * m->q1 * m->q1 - 2 * m->q2 * m->q2 + 1); // roll
*yaw = atan2(2 * (m->q1 * m->q2 + m->q0 * m->q3),
m->q0 * m->q0 + m->q1 * m->q1 - m->q2 * m->q2 - m->q3 * m->q3); // yaw

*pitch *= RAD_TO_DEG;
*yaw *= RAD_TO_DEG;
*roll *= RAD_TO_DEG;
if (c) {
dsp.setCursor(2, rect_text_area.h + 1);
dsp.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE, TFT_BLACK);
dsp.printf("Countdown:%3d", c);

// Fast inverse square-root
// See:

#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-aliasing"
float invSqrt(float x) {
float halfx = 0.5f * x;
float y = x;
long i = *(long *)&y;
i = 0x5f3759df - (i >> 1);
y = *(float *)&i;
y = y * (1.5f - (halfx * y * y));
return y;
void startCalibration(void) {
updateCalibration(30, true);
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

void repeatMe() {
static uint32_t prev_sec = 0;

auto imu_update = M5.Imu.update();
if (imu_update) {
m5::imu_3d_t accel;
M5.Imu.getAccelData(&accel.x, &accel.y, &accel.z);

m5::imu_3d_t gyro;
M5.Imu.getGyroData(&gyro.x, &gyro.y, &gyro.z);


now = micros();
delta_t = ((now - last_update) / 1000000.0);
last_update = now;

float pitch, roll, yaw;
mahony_AHRS_update(&mahony, gyro.x * DEG_TO_RAD, gyro.y * DEG_TO_RAD, gyro.z * DEG_TO_RAD,
accel.x, accel.y, accel.z, &pitch, &roll, &yaw, delta_t);

float y = (accel.z - 1.0) /* since it includes g */;
//float y = sin(2 * PI * state.t * 0.25); // dummy test data

aranovskiy_update(&params, &state, y, delta_t);

if (first) {
kalman_smoother_set_initial(&kalman, state.f);
first = 0;
float freq_adj = kalman_smoother_update(&kalman, state.f);

float a = y; // acceleration in fractions of g
float period = (state.f > 0 ? 1.0 / state.f : 9999.0); // or use freq_adj
float wave_length = trochoid_wave_length(period);
float heave = - a * wave_length / (2 * PI);

if (now - last_refresh >= 1000000) {
dsp.fillRect(0, 0, rect_text_area.w, rect_text_area.h, TFT_BLACK);

M5.Lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
M5.Lcd.printf("imu: %s\n", name);
M5.Lcd.printf("sec: %d\n", now / 1000000);
M5.Lcd.printf("samples: %d\n", got_samples);
M5.Lcd.printf("period sec: %0.4f\n", (state.f > 0 ? 1.0 / state.f : 9999.0));
M5.Lcd.printf("period adj: %0.4f\n", (freq_adj > 0 ? 1.0 / freq_adj : 9999.0));
M5.Lcd.printf("wave len: %0.4f\n", wave_length);
M5.Lcd.printf("heave: %0.4f\n", heave);
M5.Lcd.printf("%0.3f %0.3f %0.3f\n", accel.x, accel.y, accel.z);
M5.Lcd.printf("accel abs: %0.4f\n", sqrt(accel.x * accel.x + accel.y * accel.y + accel.z * accel.z));
M5.Lcd.printf("%0.1f %0.1f %0.1f\n", pitch, roll, yaw);

last_refresh = now;
got_samples = 0;
else {
// Calibration is initiated when ascreen is clicked.
if (AtomS3.BtnA.isPressed()) {
int32_t sec = millis() / 1000;
if (prev_sec != sec) {
prev_sec = sec;
if (calib_countdown) {
updateCalibration(calib_countdown - 1);
if ((sec & 7) == 0) {
// prevent WDT.

void setup(void) {
auto cfg = M5.config();

auto imu_type = M5.Imu.getType();
switch (imu_type) {
case m5::imu_none: name = "not found"; break;
case m5::imu_sh200q: name = "sh200q"; break;
case m5::imu_mpu6050: name = "mpu6050"; break;
case m5::imu_mpu6886: name = "mpu6886"; break;
case m5::imu_mpu9250: name = "mpu9250"; break;
case m5::imu_bmi270: name = "bmi270"; break;
default: name = "unknown"; break;
dsp.fillRect(0, 0, rect_text_area.w, rect_text_area.h, TFT_BLACK);
M5.Lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
M5.Lcd.printf("imu: %s\n", name);

if (imu_type == m5::imu_none) {
for (;;) {

int32_t w = dsp.width();
int32_t h = dsp.height();
if (w < h) {
dsp.setRotation(dsp.getRotation() ^ 1);
w = dsp.width();
h = dsp.height();
int32_t text_area_h = ((h - 8) / 18) * 18;
rect_text_area = {0, 0, w, text_area_h };

// Read calibration values from NVS.
if (!M5.Imu.loadOffsetFromNVS()) {

float twoKp = (2.0f * 1.0f);
float twoKi = (2.0f * 0.0001f);
mahony_AHRS_init(&mahony, twoKp, twoKi);

aranovskiy_default_params(&params, omega_up, k_gain);
aranovskiy_init_state(&state, t_0, x1_0, theta_0, sigma_0);

float process_noise_covariance = 0.003;
float measurement_uncertainty = 10.0;
float estimation_uncertainty = 100.0;
kalman_smoother_init(&kalman, process_noise_covariance, measurement_uncertainty, estimation_uncertainty);

last_update = micros();

void loop(void) {

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