Analysis of various traffic signal control techniques in SUMO Course project for EECE 6321
README.txt for SUMO Traffic Signal Control project William Barbour, Alex Browne, Grant Poe
- initiates SUMO simulations under any of three scenarios (uncoordinated/random, synchronized, and adaptive signalling)
- handles adaptive signalling logic via real-time control of SUMO simulation with TraCI interface
- allows for simulation parameters to be explored via grid search across each scenario
- parallelizes simulations, each with new SUMO instance, for greater computational capability
- writes results to file (CSV format) for simulation epochs and vehicle variables
- creates vehicle route configuration files with given volumes between terminal nodes on perimeter of network
- creates network configuration files for uncoordinated signaling scheme
- creates network configuration files for synchronized signaling scheme
- primary results parsing and analysis methods
- parsing function for SUMO-generated trip data files (XML format)