Help us Put together Data Structure in every language. Few Of them is added as an example to show file Structure. Make Sure to add your name and github profile link in the Contributing page.
Note: The dollar sign '$' represents input interface of Mac and Linux machines. Windows users may consider installing Git-Bash.
On your local machine, navigate to the folder you want to hold your project.
$ cd /path-to-folder
$ git clone<yourusername>/
$ cd project
$ git branch dev-<yourusername>
$ git checkout dev-<yourusername>
Make the changes you want on your new branch and when you are done, you can verify the changes using git status
To commit your changes,
$ git add <filename1> <filename2>
$ git status
$ git commit -m 'commit message'
$ git checkout master
$ git merge dev-<yourusername>
$ git push origin master