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baktoft committed Oct 20, 2023
1 parent bee2717 commit a88bb1e
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Showing 29 changed files with 555 additions and 358 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
RoxygenNote: 7.2.1
RoxygenNote: 7.2.3
LinkingTo: Rcpp, TMB, RcppEigen
Imports: circular, cowplot, data.table, ggplot2, ggrepel, nloptr, plyr, Rcpp, reshape2, splusTimeSeries, stats, TMB, viridis, zoo
Imports: circular, cowplot, data.table, ggplot2, ggrepel, nloptr, plyr, Rcpp, reshape2, stats, TMB, viridis, zoo
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ export(alignBurstSeq)
Expand All @@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ export(getSyncCheckDat)
Expand All @@ -41,6 +43,7 @@ export(plotSyncNetwork)
Expand Down
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions R/checkHydros.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#' Internal function to check hydros data.tables
#' @export
checkHydros <- function(hydros){
if(is.null(attr(hydros, 'yapsified'))){
cat("ERROR: The hydros data.table is not yapsified. Run e.g. hydros <- yapsify(hydros) to do so. \n")

if(!is.null(attr(hydros, 'yapsified')) & attr(hydros, 'yapsified') == FALSE){
cat("ERROR: The hydros data.table is not yapsified. Run e.g. hydros <- yapsify(hydros) to do so. \n")

if(length(unique(hydros$h_sn)) != nrow(hydros)){
cat("ERROR: At least one hydrophone serial number is used more than once in sync_dat$hydros!\n")

15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions R/checkInp.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,13 +10,17 @@ checkInp <- function(inp){
# only relevant for ping_types 'rbi' and 'pbi'?
if(inp$datTmb$pingType != 'sbi'){
if(inp$datTmb$rbi_min > min(diff(inp$params$top))) {
print(paste0("WARNING: inp$datTmb$rbi_min > min(diff(inp$params$top)) | ",inp$datTmb$rbi_min," > ",min(diff(inp$params$top)),""))
inp$datTmb$rbi_min <- min(diff(inp$params$top)) * 0.90
cat(paste0("ERROR: inp$datTmb$rbi_min > min(diff(inp$params$top)) | ",inp$datTmb$rbi_min," > ",min(diff(inp$params$top)),"\n"))
# inp$datTmb$rbi_min <- min(diff(inp$params$top)) * 0.90
# cat("...inp$datTmb$rbi_min adjusted to ", inp$datTmb$rbi_min, "\n")

if(inp$datTmb$rbi_max < max(diff(inp$params$top))){
print(paste0("WARNING: inp$datTmb$rbi_max < max(diff(inp$params$top)) | ",inp$datTmb$rbi_max," < ",max(diff(inp$params$top)),""))
inp$datTmb$rbi_max <- max(diff(inp$params$top)) * 1.10
cat(paste0("ERROR: inp$datTmb$rbi_max < max(diff(inp$params$top)) | ",inp$datTmb$rbi_max," < ",max(diff(inp$params$top)),"\n"))
# inp$datTmb$rbi_max <- max(diff(inp$params$top)) * 1.10
# cat("...inp$datTmb$rbi_max adjusted to ", inp$datTmb$rbi_max, "\n")

Expand All @@ -40,7 +44,4 @@ checkInp <- function(inp){

print("Pre-flight checkInp() passed!")


30 changes: 0 additions & 30 deletions R/checkInpSync.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,33 +56,3 @@ checkInpSync <- function(inp_sync, silent_check){


#' Quick overview to check if all hydros have enough data within each offset period.
#' @inheritParams checkInpSync
#' @param plot Logical indicating whether to plot a visual or not.
#' @export
#' @return A data.table containing number of pings included in each hydro x offset combination.
#' @example man/examples/example-yaps_ssu1.R
getSyncCoverage <- function(inp_sync, plot=FALSE){
toa <- inp_sync$dat_tmb_sync$toa
nh <- ncol(toa)
offset_idx <- inp_sync$dat_tmb_sync$offset_idx

toa_long <- data.table::data.table(reshape2::melt(toa))
colnames(toa_long) <- c('ping', 'h','toa')
toa_long[, offset_idx := rep(offset_idx, nh)]
sync_coverage <- data.table::data.table(reshape2::melt(with(toa_long[!], table(h, offset_idx))))
colnames(sync_coverage) <- c('h', 'offset_idx' ,'N')

p <- ggplot2::ggplot(sync_coverage)
p <- p + geom_point(aes(offset_idx, N), col="steelblue")
p <- p + geom_point(data=sync_coverage[N < 50], aes(offset_idx, N), col="blue", size=2)
p <- p + geom_point(data=sync_coverage[N < 10], aes(offset_idx, N), col="orange", size=2)
p <- p + geom_point(data=sync_coverage[N <= 5], aes(offset_idx, N), col="red", size=2)
p <- p + facet_wrap(~h) + ylim(0, max(sync_coverage$N))

54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions R/getBounds.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
#' Get bounds restricting the optimizer
#' Compile a matrix of lower (bounds[,1]) and upper (bounds[,2]) bounds for the parameters to be estimated.
#' @param datTmb Object obtained using getDatTmb()
#' @return Matrix of bounds restricting the optimizer when running runYaps().
#' @noRd
getBounds <- function(datTmb) {
lu_logD_xy <- c(-50, 2)
lu_logD_z <- c(-50, 2)

lu_logSigma_toa <- c(-12, -2)
if(datTmb$Edist[2] == 1){ # mixture
lu_logScale <- c(-30, 10)
} else if (datTmb$Edist[3] == 1) { # t
lu_logScale <- c(-10,2)
lu_log_t_part <- c(-100, 100)
if(datTmb$pingType == 'rbi'){
lu_logSigma_bi <- c(-20, 20)
} else {
lu_logSigma_bi <- c(-20, -2)
lu_logD_v <- c(-20, 2)

bounds <- c()
bounds <- rbind(bounds, lu_logD_xy)

if(datTmb$how_3d == 'est'){
bounds <- rbind(bounds, lu_logD_z)

if(datTmb$ss_data_what == 'est'){
bounds <- rbind(bounds, lu_logD_v)

if(datTmb$Edist[1] == 1){
bounds <- rbind(bounds, lu_logSigma_toa)
} else if(datTmb$Edist[2] == 1){
bounds <- rbind(bounds, lu_logSigma_toa, lu_logScale, lu_log_t_part)
} else if(datTmb$Edist[3] == 1){
bounds <- rbind(bounds, lu_logScale)

if(datTmb$pingType == 'sbi'){
bounds <- rbind(bounds, lu_logSigma_bi)
} else if (datTmb$pingType == 'rbi'){
bounds <- rbind(bounds, lu_logSigma_bi)
} else if (datTmb$pingType == 'pbi'){
bounds <- rbind(bounds, lu_logSigma_bi)


83 changes: 83 additions & 0 deletions R/getDatTmb.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
#' Internal function - get data for input to TMB
#' Compile data for input to TMB.
#' @param inp_params Selection of parameters used to setup and run YAPS.
#' @inheritParams getInp
#' @return List for use in TMB.
#' @noRd
getDatTmb <- function(hydros, toa, E_dist, n_ss, pingType, rbi_min, rbi_max, ss_data_what, ss_data, biTable, inp_params, z_vec, bbox){
T0 <- inp_params$T0
Hx0 <- inp_params$Hx0
Hy0 <- inp_params$Hy0

toa <- toa - T0

# allowing slight out-of-bounds BIs
rbi_min <- rbi_min - rbi_min * 0.05
rbi_max <- rbi_max + rbi_max * 0.05

# attempting to make sure toa is oriented correct
if(!nrow(toa) == nrow(hydros)){
toa <- t(toa)

if(n_ss > 1){
ss_idx <- cut(1:ncol(toa), n_ss, labels=FALSE) - 1 #-1 because zero-indexing in TMB
} else {
ss_idx <- rep(0, ncol(toa))
approxBI <- mean(diff(colMeans(toa, na.rm=TRUE), na.rm=TRUE), na.rm=TRUE)

if(ss_data_what == 'data') { stopifnot(length(ss_data) == ncol(toa))}

Edist <- rep(0,3)
if(E_dist == "Gaus") {Edist[1] <- 1}
if(E_dist == "Mixture") {Edist[2] <- 1}
if(E_dist == "t") {Edist[3] <- 1}

how_3d <- 'none'
z_vec <- c(1)
} else if(z_vec[1] == "est") {
how_3d <- 'est'
z_vec <- c(1)
} else {
how_3d <- 'data'

bbox <- NA
} else {
bbox[1] <- bbox[1] - inp_params$Hx0
bbox[2] <- bbox[2] - inp_params$Hx0
bbox[3] <- bbox[3] - inp_params$Hy0
bbox[4] <- bbox[4] - inp_params$Hy0

datTmb <- list(
model = "yaps_track",
H = matrix(c(hydros$h_x-Hx0, hydros$h_y-Hy0, hydros$h_z), ncol=3),
nh = nrow(hydros),
np = ncol(toa),
Edist = Edist,
toa = toa,
bi_epsilon = 1E-6,
bi_penalty = 1E9,
rbi_min = rbi_min,
rbi_max = rbi_max,
pingType = pingType,
n_ss = n_ss,
ss_idx = ss_idx,
ss_data_what = ss_data_what,
ss_data = ss_data,
approxBI = approxBI,
biTable = c(1),
how_3d = how_3d,
z_vec = z_vec,
bbox = bbox
if(pingType == 'pbi') {datTmb$biTable = biTable}

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/getDistMat.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ getDistMat <- function(hydros){
colnames(dist_mat) <- hydros$h_sn
for(hx in 1:nrow(hydros)){
for(hy in 1:nrow(hydros)){
dist_mat[hx, hy] <- sqrt((hydros[hx, x] - hydros[hy, x] )^2 + (hydros[hx, y] - hydros[hy, y] )^2 + (hydros[hx, z] - hydros[hy, z] )^2)
dist_mat[hx, hy] <- sqrt((hydros[hx, h_x] - hydros[hy, h_x] )^2 + (hydros[hx, h_y] - hydros[hy, h_y] )^2 + (hydros[hx, h_z] - hydros[hy, h_z] )^2)
Expand Down
59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions R/getInits.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
#' Get inits for use in TMB
#' Compile a vector of initial values to use in TMB. One value for each estimated parameter (not random effects).
#' Should all be in a credible range.
#' @param datTmb Object obtained using getDatTmb()
#' @inheritParams getInp
#' @return Vector of initial values to use in TMB
#' @noRd
getInits <- function(datTmb, sdInits=1) {
init_logD_xy <- -1

if(datTmb$pingType == 'sbi') {
init_logSigma_bi <- -6
} else if(datTmb$pingType == 'rbi'){
if(datTmb$rbi_max >= 10){
init_logSigma_bi <- 4
} else {
init_logSigma_bi <- -3
} else if(datTmb$pingType == 'pbi'){
init_logSigma_bi <- -5

init_logD_v <- 0
init_logSigma_toa <- -3 # used in Gaussian and mixture
init_logScale <- 1 # used in mixture and pure t
init_log_t_part <- -4 # only used in mixture

inits <- c(init_logD_xy)

if(datTmb$how_3d == 'est'){
init_logD_z <- 0
inits <- c(inits, init_logD_z)

if(datTmb$ss_data_what == 'est'){
inits <- c(inits, init_logD_v)

if(datTmb$Edist[1] == 1){
inits <- c(inits, init_logSigma_toa)
} else if(datTmb$Edist[2] == 1){
inits <- c(inits, init_logSigma_toa, init_logScale, init_log_t_part)
} else if(datTmb$Edist[3] == 1){
inits <- c(inits, init_logScale)

if(datTmb$pingType == 'sbi'){
inits <- c(inits, init_logSigma_bi)#, init_logD_v)#, init_logSigma_toa, init_logScale, init_log_t_part)
} else if (datTmb$pingType == 'rbi'){
inits <- c(inits, init_logSigma_bi)#, init_logD_v)#, init_logSigma_toa, init_logScale, init_log_t_part)
} else if (datTmb$pingType == 'pbi'){
inits <- c(inits, init_logSigma_bi)#, init_logD_v)#, init_logSigma_toa, init_logScale, init_log_t_part)

inits <- stats::rnorm(length(inits), mean=inits, sd=sdInits)
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions R/getInp.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,9 @@
#' @example man/examples/example-yaps_ssu1.R
getInp <- function(hydros, toa, E_dist, n_ss, pingType, sdInits=1, rbi_min=0, rbi_max=0, ss_data_what='est', ss_data=0, biTable=NULL, z_vec=NULL, bbox=NULL){
stopifnot(pingType %in% c('sbi', 'pbi', 'rbi'))


inp_params <- getInpParams(hydros, toa, pingType)
datTmb <- getDatTmb(hydros, toa, E_dist, n_ss, pingType, rbi_min, rbi_max, ss_data_what, ss_data, biTable, inp_params, z_vec, bbox)
params <- getParams(datTmb)
Expand Down
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions R/getInpParams.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#' Get parameters for this specific data set
#' Compile a list of relevant parameters (e.g. T0) to use later on
#' @inheritParams getInp
#' @noRd
getInpParams <- function(hydros, toa, pingType){
T0 <- min(toa, na.rm=TRUE)

Hx0 <- hydros[1,h_x]
Hy0 <- hydros[1,h_y]

return(list(T0=T0, Hx0=Hx0, Hy0=Hy0))


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