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This repo contains an improved version of the avro serializer from It expects the schema to be stored in the record itself in order to mimic the behavior of Confluent's Avro SerDe. It uses Faust's metadata capability inside the Record class to read the Avro schema dynamically.


from faust import Record, Schema, Stream
from faust_avro_serializer import FaustAvroSerializer
from schema_registry.client import SchemaRegistryClient
import faust

app = faust.App('myapp', broker='kafka://localhost')
my_topic_name = "my-dummy-topic"

class MyRecordExample(Record):
    _schema = {
     "type": "record",
     "namespace": "com.example",
     "name": "MyRecordExample",
     "fields": [
       { "name": "foo", "type": "string" },
       { "name": "bar", "type": "string" }
    foo: str
    bar: str

client = SchemaRegistryClient("http://my-schema-registry:8081")
serializer = FaustAvroSerializer(client, my_topic_name, False)

schema_with_avro = Schema(key_serializer=str, value_serializer=serializer)

dummy_topic = app.topic(my_topic_name, schema=schema_with_avro)

async def my_agent(myrecord: Stream[MyRecordExample]):
    async for record in myrecord:

When the serializer calls the _dumps method, it searches for the __faust field inside the record. If the serializer finds the field, it is resolving the class and reads the _schema field containing the Avro schema.