I graduated June, 2022 with a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science.
Monorepo! All class documents will be stored here. Mostly programming assignments with my LaTeX from math classes as well.
- Programming
- CSC 202: Data Structures
- CSC 203: Java
- CPE 225: Computer Archetecture
- CPE 315: Assembly and Pipelines
- CPE 357: Systems Programming
- CSC 348: Discrete Structures
- CSC 349: Algorithms
- CSC 365: Databases
- CSC 369: Distributed Programming
- CSC 430: Programming Languages
- CSC 430: Compilers
- CSC 445: Theory of Computation
- CSC 453: Operating Systems
- CSC 530: Grad Programming Languages
- Math
- Poly Sci
- POLS 361 (R)
- deploy.sh: used for deploying to unix servers. Treats the servers as a read only copy of a repo which is squashed when pulled.