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Change Formula
- Most values are listed via hovering over the appropriate value in the character sheet
- Ability modifier: @abilities.con.mod
- Ability modifier without temporary buffs (i.e. Rage): @abilities.con.baseMod
- Changes can be set to Add to the value (+) or Replace (=)
- Scripts using js can also be used for changes, for more complicated things.
- Not everything available in Pathfinder can currently be accomplished through changes
Function: ceil()
Example: ceil(5 / 2)
Result: 3
Function: floor()
Example: floor(@attributes.bab.total / 6)
Result: Divide by 6 and round down
Function: min(x, y)
Example: min(5,@cl)d6
Result: Scales from caster level, up to a max value of 5d6
Function: max(x, y)
Example: max(4, (@classes.class.level))
Result: Uses 4, unless class level is greater. Effectively creates a lower bounds until class level > 4, then uses class levels.
Function: (X > Y ? A : B)
Example: @attributes.hd.total > 9 ? 4 : 2
Result: If HD is greater than 9, output is 4, if it is not then 2
Function: abs()
Example: abs(2 - 4)
Result: Outputs 2 (rather than -2)
Foundry uses JS Math. For more math functions, go here. Reading how JS handles math might make things easier to understand.
max(1, floor(@attributes.bab.total / 4)))
Result: BAB = 3: 1; BAB = 6: 1; BAB = 14: 3
max(1, floor(@classes.boo.level / 2))
Once per day, plus one for every three levels beyond (1, 4, 7, 10, ...)
Limited Uses: 1 + floor((@classes.cavalier.level - 1) / 3)
Heals 1d6 + 1d6 for every 2 levels beyond 1st (3, 5, 7, ...)
Healing: ceil(@classes.cleric.level / 2))d6 DC for the save is 10 + 1/2 cleric level + Cha mod
Save DC: 10 + floor(@classes.cleric.level / 2) + @abilities.cha.mod
Heals 1d8 + cl (max of 5)
Healing: 1d8 + min(5, @cl)
Deals 1d6 per caster level, max 10d6
Damage: (min(10, @cl))d6
Increase movement speed by 5, while wearing light (1) or no armor (0) and not encumbered. (@armor.type - medium armor = 2, heavy = 3)
Change (+): (@armor.type < 2 && @attributes.encumbrance.level < 1) ? 5 : 0
These are some of the more complex formula I've seen, that also include the use of resources.
See Elemental Overflow for description
Attack: min(@resources.burn.value, floor(@classes.kineticist.level / 3))
Deals 1d6 plus 1d6 every 2 levels beyond 1st (1, 3, 5, ...) + damage from Elemental Overflow
Attack: min(@resources.burn.value, floor(@classes.kineticist.level / 3)) Damage: (ceil(@classes.kineticist.level/2))d6 + min(@resources.burn.value, floor(@classes.kineticist.level/3)) * 2 * @critMult
Deals 1d6+1, plus 1d6+1 every 2 levels beyond 1st (1, 3, 5, ...) + damage from Elemental Overflow
Attack: min(@resources.burn.value, floor(@classes.kineticist.level / 3)) Damage: (ceil(@classes.kineticist.level/2))d6 + ceil(@classes.kineticist.level/2) + min(@resources.burn.value, floor(@classes.kineticist.level/3)) * 2 * @critMult
Attack: min(@resources.burn.value, floor(@classes.kineticist.level / 3)) Damage: (2 * ceil(@classes.kineticist.level/2))d6 + floor(@abilities.con.mod/2) + min(@resources.burn.value, floor(@classes.kineticist.level/3)) * 2 * @critMult
Gives -1 Atk / +2 Dmg, increasing by -1/+2 when BAB = 4, and every 4 points after
Attack: -floor((@attributes.bab.total+4)/4) Damage: floor((@attributes.bab.total+4)/4)*2
Rogue sneak attack (Levels 1, 3, 5, ...)
Damage: ceil(@classes.rogue.level / 2)d6
Damage: floor(@classes.slayer.level / 3)d6
Gives +3 base, +6 at 10 ranks+
Change: @skills.per.rank > 9 ? 6 : 3