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Radosław Mejer edited this page May 9, 2020 · 1 revision

Kex configuration

const { Kex } = require('@baethon/kex')

const kex = new Kex({ /** options */ })

Supported options:

  • knex (required when missing knexClientResolver) instance of the Knex
  • plugins (optional; Array) list of plugins
  • knexClientResolver (optional; Function) custom resolver function for knex client
  • modelDefaults (optional; Object) subset of model options, used when creating a new model; can be overwritten when using createModel()
    • softDeletes (Boolean|Object) should the model use soft deletes?
    • scopes (Object) model scopes
    • globalScopes (Object) model global scopes
    • timestamps (Boolean) should the model use timestamps?

Model configuration

const User = kex.createModel('User', { /** options */ })

When creating a new model, Kex will merge the modelDefaults with passed options and use the results to set up the model.

Supported options:

  • tableName (optional; String) the name of the table; by default it's pluralized name of the model
  • primaryKey (optional; String; default: id) the name of the primary key
  • softDeletes (optional; Boolean|Object; default: false) should the model use soft-deletes?
  • relations (optional; Object) list of model relations
  • scopes (optional; Object) list of model scopes
  • globalScopes (optional; Object) list of model global scopes
  • timestamps (optional; Boolean|Object; default: false) should the model use timestamps?

Soft-deletes configuration

To enable soft-deletes you can pass a simple Boolean value. The plugin accepts also an object with the following options:

  • columnName (optional; String; default: deleted_at) the column used to mark record as deleted

Timestamps configuration

To enable timestamps you can pass a simple Boolean value. The plugin accepts also an object with the following options:

  • createdAtColumn (optional; String; default: created_at) the column name used when creating new record
  • updatedAtColumn (optional; String; deault: updated_at) the column name used when updating new record
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