PyBots is an Indian firm based in Vadodara, Gujarat. My-AutoPylot is a product developed based on Python. Its a RPA framework for developers and common people to create Software BOTs. Using AI, we're working on Common Man's RPA.
My-AutoPylot is compatible with both Windows 10 and Windows 11.
Installing on a Windows PC is a breeze.
Make certain that Python 3.8 or Python 3.9 is installed.
Then, from the command prompt, execute the following command.
pip install -U my-autopylot
# import my_autopylot as ap ap.windows_launch_app('notepad')
TIP: You can find and inspect all of My-AutoPylot's functions using only one function i.e., find()
. Just pass the partial name of the function.
Function | Accepted Parameters | Description |
ap.mouse_click() | x=" ", y=" ", left_or_right="left", no_of_clicks=1, type_of_movement="abs or rel" | Clicks at the given X Y Co-ordinates on the screen using ingle / double / triple click(s). Optionally copies selected data to clipboard (works for double / triple clicks) |
ap.mouse_move() | x=" ", y=" ", type_of_movement="abs or rel" | Moves the cursor to the given X Y Co-ordinates |
ap.mouse_drag_from_to() | x1=" ", y1=" ", x2=" ",y2=" " | Clicks and drags from X1 Y1 co-ordinates to X2 Y2 Co-ordinates on the screen |
ap.mouse_search_snip_return_coordinates_x_y() | img=" ", wait=10 | Searches the given image on the screen and returns its center of X Y co-ordinates. |
Function | Accepted Parameters | Description |
ap.windows_show_desktop() | None | Minimizes all the applications and shows Desktop. |
ap.windows_launch_app() | pathOfExeFile=" " | Launches any exe or batch file or excel file etc. |
ap.window_get_active_window() | None | Launches any exe or batch file or excel file etc. |
ap.window_activate_window() | window_title=" " | Launches any exe or batch file or excel file etc. |
ap.window_get_all_opened_titles_windows() | window_title=" " | Gives the title of all the existing (open) windows. |
ap.window_activate_and_maximize_windows() | windowName=" " | Activates and maximizes the desired window. |
ap.window_minimize_windows() | windowName=" " | Activates and minimizes the desired window. |
ap.window_close_windows() | windowName=" " | Close the desired window. |
Function | Accepted Parameters | Description |
ap.folder_read_text_file() | txt_file_path=" " | Reads from a given text file and returns entire contents as a single list |
ap.folder_write_text_file() | txt_file_path=" ", contents=" " | Writes given contents to a text file |
ap.folder_create() | strFolderPath=" " | When you are making leaf directory, if any intermediate-level directory is missing, folder_create() method creates them. |
ap.folder_create_text_file() | textFolderPath=" ", txtFileName=" " | Creates text file in the given path. |
ap.folder_get_all_filenames_as_list() | strFolderPath=" ", extension='all' | Get all the files of the given folder in a list. |
ap.folder_delete_all_files() | fullPathOfTheFolder=" ", file_extension_without_dot="all" | Deletes all the files of the given folder |
ap.file_rename() | old_file_path='', new_file_name='', print_status=True | Renames the given file name to new file name with same extension. |
ap.file_get_json_details() | path_of_json_file='', section='' | Returns all the details of the given section in a dictionary |
Function | Accepted Parameters | Description |
ap.key_press() | key_1='', key_2='', key_3='', write_to_window=" " | Emulates the given keystrokes. |
ap.key_write_enter() | text_to_write=" ", write_to_window=" ", delay_after_typing=1, key="e" | Writes/Types the given text and press enter (by default) or tab key. |
ap.key_hit_enter() | write_to_window=" " | Enter key will be pressed once. |
Function | Accepted Parameters | Description |
ap.scrape_save_contents_to_notepad() | folderPathToSaveTheNotepad=" ", switch_to_window=" ",X=0, Y=0 | Copy pastes all the available text on the screen to notepad and saves it. |
ap.screen_clear_search() | delay=0.2 | Clears previously found text (crtl+f highlight) |
ap.search_highlight_tab_enter_open() | searchText=" ", hitEnterKey="Yes", shift_tab='No' | Searches for a text on screen using crtl+f and hits enter. This function is useful in Citrix environment. |
ap.find_text_on_screen() | searchText=" ", delay=0.1, occurance=1, isSearchToBeCleared=False | Clears previous search and finds the provided text on screen. |
Function | Accepted Parameters | Description |
driver = ap.ChromeBrowser() | Function to launch browser and start the session. | |
driver.open_browser() | dummy_browser=True, incognito=False, profile="Default" |
Function to launch browser and start the session. |
driver.navigate() | url=" " | Navigates to Specified URL. |
driver.write() | Value=" ", User_Visible_Text_Element=" " | Write a string on the given element. |
driver.mouse_click() | User_Visible_Text_Element=" ", element=" ", double_click=False, right_click=False |
Click on the given element. |
driver.mouse_hover() | User_Visible_Text_Element=" " | Performs a Mouse Hover over the Given User Visible Text Element |
driver.scroll() | direction="down", weight="100" px | Scrolls the browser window. |
driver.key_press() | key_1=" ", key_2=" " | Type text using Browser Helium Functions and press hot keys |
driver.hit_enter() | None | Hits enter KEY using Browser Helium Functions |
driver.wait_until() | text=" ", element="t" | Wait until a specific element is found. |
driver.refresh_page() | None | Refresh the page. |
driver.set_waiting_time() | time=10 | Set the waiting time for the self.browser_driver. If element is not found in the given time, it will raise an exception. |
driver.find_element() | element_xpath="xpath" | Find the element using xpath. |
driver.get_text() | element_xpath=" ", element="t" | Wait until a specific element is found. |
driver.close() | None | Close the Helium browser. |
Function | Accepted Parameters | Description |
ap.string_remove_special_characters() | inputStr=" " | Removes all the special character. |
ap.string_extract_only_alphabets() | inputString=" " | Returns only alphabets from given input string |
ap.string_extract_only_numbers() | inputString=" " | Returns only numbers from given input string |
Function | Accepted Parameters | Description |
ap.clear_screen() | None | Clears Python Interpreter Terminal Window Screen |
ap.print_with_magic_color() | strMsg:str=" ", magic:bool=False | Function to color and format terminal output |
ap.show_emoji() | strInput=" " | Function which prints Emojis |
ap.download_this_file() | url=" " | Downloads a given url file to BOT output folder or Browser's Download folder |
ap.pause_program() | seconds="5" | Stops the program for given seconds |
Contribute to us by giving a star, writing articles on My-AutoPylot
, giving comments, reporting bugs, bug fixes, feature enhancements, adding documentation, and many other ways.
We also invite everyone to take part in our monthly branded event, the My-AutoPylot Hackathon
, and stand a chance to work with us.
We sincerely thanks to all it's dependent packages for the great contribution, which made My-AutoPylot
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