To check out the project and build from source, do the following:
git clone --recursive git://
cd spring-integration
./gradlew build
Note: the
switch above is important, as spring-integration uses git submodules, which must themselves be cloned and initialized. If--recursive
is omitted, the checkout becomes a multi-step process.
If you encounter heap space errors during the build, increase the heap size for Gradle:
To generate Eclipse metadata (.classpath and .project files), do the following:
./gradlew eclipse
Once complete, you may then import the projects into Eclipse as usual:
File -> Import -> Existing projects into workspace
Browse to the 'spring-integration' root directory. All projects should import free of errors.
To generate IDEA metadata (.iml and .ipr files), do the following:
./gradlew idea
To build the JavaDoc, do the following from within the root directory:
./gradlew :docs:api
The result will be available in 'docs/build/api'.
- Dependency on Third Party Bundles Some adapters depend on third party libraries (bundles). Spring hosts the Enterprise Bundle Repository (EBR) at, where you can download many third-party JARs as valid OSGi bundles. If a particular bundle is not available in Spring's EBR, there are tools that can convert a regular JAR to a bundle JAR. One of them is Bundlor which can auto-generate an OSGi MANIFEST.MF as part of standard project lifecycle or simply convert a non-bundle JAR to a bundle JAR.
- Boot delegation Some adapters depend on extension packages that are available to the boot class loader. As a case in point, the Feed Adapter depends on com.sun.syndication.feed. Since by default OSGi only loads java.* from the boot class loader, other packages that must be loaded from the boot class loader can therefore be specified with the 'org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation' System property. For example: org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation=com.sun.,org.w3c.. . . .
For more information, please visit the Spring Integration website at: