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test(Storage): Adding unit tests for multi-bucket support
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ruisebas committed Aug 21, 2024
1 parent 6e19413 commit bc9e7e9
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// Copyright Inc. or its affiliates.
// All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import XCTest
@_spi(InternalAmplifyConfiguration) @testable import Amplify
@testable import AWSS3StoragePlugin
@testable import AWSPluginsTestCommon

class AWSS3StoragePluginStorageBucketTests: XCTestCase {
private var storagePlugin: AWSS3StoragePlugin!
private var defaultService: MockAWSS3StorageService!
private var authService: MockAWSAuthService!
private var queue: OperationQueue!
private let defaultBucketInfo = BucketInfo(
bucketName: "bucketName",
region: "us-east-1"
private let additionalBucketInfo = BucketInfo(
bucketName: "anotherBucketName",
region: "us-east-2"

private var additionalS3Bucket: AmplifyOutputsData.Storage.Bucket {
return .init(
name: "anotherBucket",
bucketName: additionalBucketInfo.bucketName,
awsRegion: additionalBucketInfo.region

override func setUp() {
storagePlugin = AWSS3StoragePlugin()
defaultService = MockAWSS3StorageService()
authService = MockAWSAuthService()
queue = OperationQueue()
defaultBucket: .fromBucketInfo(defaultBucketInfo),
storageService: defaultService,
authService: authService,
defaultAccessLevel: .guest,
queue: queue

override func tearDown() async throws {
try await Task.sleep(seconds: 0.1) // This is unfortunate but necessary to give the DB time to recover the URLSession tasks
await storagePlugin.reset()
storagePlugin = nil
defaultService = nil
authService = nil
queue = nil

/// Given: A configured AWSS3StoragePlugin
/// When: storageService(for:) is invoked with nil
/// Then: The default storage service should be returned
func testStorageService_withNil_shouldReturnDefaultService() throws {
let storageService = try storagePlugin.storageService(for: nil)
guard let mockService = storageService as? MockAWSS3StorageService else {
XCTFail("Expected a MockAWSS3StorageService, got \(type(of: storageService))")
XCTAssertTrue(mockService === defaultService)

/// Given: A AWSS3StoragePlugin configured with additional bucket names
/// When: storageService(for:) is invoked with .fromOutputs with an existing value
/// Then: A valid AWSS3StorageService should be returned pointing to that bucket
func testStorageService_withBucketFromOutputs_shouldReturnStorageService() throws {
storagePlugin.additionalBucketsByName = [ additionalS3Bucket
let storageService = try storagePlugin.storageService(for: .fromOutputs(name:
guard let newService = storageService as? AWSS3StorageService else {
XCTFail("Expected a AWSS3StorageService, got \(type(of: storageService))")
XCTAssertFalse(newService === defaultService)
XCTAssertEqual(newService.bucket, additionalS3Bucket.bucketName)

/// Given: A AWSS3StoragePlugin configured without additional buckets (i.e. no AmplifyOutputs)
/// When: storageService(for:) is invoked with .fromOutputs
/// Then: A StorageError.validation error is thrown
func testStorageService_withBucketFromOutputs_withoutConfiguringOutputs_shouldThrowValidationException() {
storagePlugin.additionalBucketsByName = nil
do {
_ = try storagePlugin.storageService(for: .fromOutputs(name: "anotherBucket"))
XCTFail("Expected StorageError.validation to be thrown")
} catch {
guard let storageError = error as? StorageError,
case .validation(let field, _, _, _) = storageError else {
XCTFail("Expected StorageError.validation, got \(error)")
XCTAssertEqual(field, "bucket")

/// Given: A AWSS3StoragePlugin configured with additional bucket names
/// When: storageService(for:) is invoked with .fromOutputs with a non-existing value
/// Then: A StorageError.validation error is thrown
func testStorageService_withInvalidBucketFromOutputs_shouldThrowValidationException() {
storagePlugin.additionalBucketsByName = [ additionalS3Bucket
do {
_ = try storagePlugin.storageService(for: .fromOutputs(name: "invalidBucket"))
XCTFail("Expected StorageError.validation to be thrown")
} catch {
guard let storageError = error as? StorageError,
case .validation(let field, _, _, _) = storageError else {
XCTFail("Expected StorageError.validation, got \(error)")
XCTAssertEqual(field, "bucket")

/// Given: A configured AWSS3StoragePlugin
/// When: storageService(for:) is invoked with .fromBucketInfo
/// Then: A valid AWSS3StorageService should be returned pointing to that bucket
func testStorageService_withBucketFromBucketInfo_shouldReturnStorageService() throws {
let storageService = try storagePlugin.storageService(for: .fromBucketInfo(additionalBucketInfo))
guard let newService = storageService as? AWSS3StorageService else {
XCTFail("Expected a AWSS3StorageService, got \(type(of: storageService))")
XCTAssertFalse(newService === defaultService)
XCTAssertEqual(newService.bucket, additionalBucketInfo.bucketName)

/// Given: A configured AWSS3StoragePlugin
/// When: storageService(for:) is invoked with an invalid instance that conforms to StorageBucket
/// Then: A StorageError.validation error is thrown
func testStorageService_withInvalidStorageBucket_shouldThrowValidationException() {
do {
_ = try storagePlugin.storageService(for: InvalidBucket())
XCTFail("Expected StorageError.validation to be thrown")
} catch {
guard let storageError = error as? StorageError,
case .validation(let field, _, _, _) = storageError else {
XCTFail("Expected StorageError.validation, got \(error)")
XCTAssertEqual(field, "bucket")

/// Given: A configured AWSS3StoragePlugin
/// When: storageService(for:) is invoked for a bucket that was not accessed before (i.e. a new one)
/// Then: A new Storage Service should be created
func testStorageService_withNewBucket_shouldReturnNewService() throws {
XCTAssertEqual(storagePlugin.storageServicesByBucket.count, 1)
_ = try storagePlugin.storageService(for: .fromBucketInfo(additionalBucketInfo))
XCTAssertEqual(storagePlugin.storageServicesByBucket.count, 2)

/// Given: A configured AWSS3StoragePlugin
/// When: storageService(for:) is invoked for a bucket that was accessed before (e.g. the default one)
/// Then: A new Storage Service should not be created
func testStorageService_withPreviouslyAccessedBucket_shouldReturnExistingService() throws {
XCTAssertEqual(storagePlugin.storageServicesByBucket.count, 1)
_ = try storagePlugin.storageService(for: .fromBucketInfo(defaultBucketInfo))
XCTAssertEqual(storagePlugin.storageServicesByBucket.count, 1)

private struct InvalidBucket: StorageBucket {}

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