This project os nodejs implemention of avplayer/tinyrpc using ws(isomorphic-ws) & protobufjs
Supports both nodejs native & commonjs browser environment (e.g. webpack)
first you need to write your .proto defining request & reply messages.
message ChatSendMessage {
string name = 1;
string message = 2;
message ChatReplyMessage {
string name = 1;
string message = 2;
then with js-tinyrpc, you may have:
nodejs server
let chat_proto = await protobuf.load("chat.proto")
let tiny = tinyrpc.tiny(chat_proto, {
"chat.ChatSendMessage$chat.ChatReplyMessage": function(request) {
process.stdout.write( + " said : " + request.message + "\n")
return {
name : "server",
message : request.message + " copy!"
console.log("Server started")
nodejs cmd readline client
let chat_proto = await protobuf.load("chat.proto")
let ws = new WebSocket("ws://")
let tiny = tinyrpc.tiny(chat_proto, {})
let name
var say_something = function() {
rl.question(name + ": ", (inputed) => {, "chat.ChatSendMessage", {
name: name,
message: inputed
}, (reply) => {
process.stdout.write( + ": " + reply.message + "\n")
rl.question("What's your name? ", (inputed_name) => {
name = inputed_name
or even browser client!
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://")
var tiny = tinyrpc.tiny(chat_proto, {})
document.getElementById("send").addEventListener('click', function (e) {, "chat.ChatSendMessage", {
name: document.getElementById("name").value,
message: document.getElementById("message").value
}, (reply) => {
var newline = document.createElement("p")
newline.innerHTML = + ": " + reply.message
}, false)
you can see full examples under test/
To use:
npm install js-tinyrpc --save
npm install ws protobufjs --save
and maybe
npm install isomorphic-ws
if you need to use it in a browser
import it in your project:
const tinyrpc = require("js-tinyrpc")
proto: your protobufjs root object
you may use a reflexed object or a static object, both was supported
events: map of the events provided by this end, its keys are strings by format "request$reply"
e.g. { "chat.ChatSendMessage$chat.ChatReplyMessage", function () {...} }
the event function takes an object returned by protobufjs toObject, and must return a "valid message object" defined by protobufjs
see: restrictions for valid message
returns an object resembling an RPC end interface, which we call a "tiny"
let tiny = tinyrpc.tiny(proto, events)
ws: a ws websocket, isomorphic-ws is supported
takeover the handle of ws, automatically handle request & replys of RPC on its interface
notice: when used in browser the websocket passes a Blob instead of Buffer, while it is supported, the data will be handled after all reading is done
wss: a ws websocket server
takeover() all connections incoming, making wss an RPC server
ws: a ws websocket, isomorphic-ws is supported
request_type: message type name string for the request object
request_object: valid message object with request data
see: restrictions for valid message
callback: takes the reply object returned by the other end