The goal of this React shopping app is to demonstrate features such as Components, Hooks, Router, SPA, and Fetch.
A live deployment of this app is available to try it out.
- React components composition
- useState
- useEffect
- Array & Object Destructure
- Rest & Spread operator
- Context and react-router-dom
- fetch
- Clone using
git clone
or download th repo - Open the react-shop directory in vscode
- Open integrated terminal
- Now, type
npm install
into terminal and hit enter - After the 4th step completed, type
npm start
into terminal and hit enter - If any sort of issues while running start or install command, run
npm audit fix --force
command to fix the version compatibility - Now, you will the application up and running at http://localhost:3000/
npm run build
: production build
Built with:
- react
- react-router-dom
- bootstrap
- @avinashcodelabs/mock-api-server
- react-icons
- react-scripts (Create React App)