A highly customizable Google Map
component which exposes complete customization options. It uses Google's Places API
for Autocomplete options and fetching the details of a location. It also uses the Geococoder API
to get the details of a coordinate.
component is exported which can be used as a child of GoogleMap
component to make it customizable and controllable separately.
Use the package manager yarn to install map-google-react
yarn add map-google-react
or using npm
npm install map-google-react
import { GoogleMap, SearchBox } from 'map-google-react';
<SearchBox />
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
googleMapUrl | string | - | Google map url with API key. (libraries needed: places & geocoder) Ex: https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=<MAP_API_KEY>&libraries=places,geocoder |
markerIconUrl | string | https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/api-3/images/spotlight-poi2_hdpi.png |
Url for the marker icon. Image located on the url should be of expected size of the marker. |
defaultCenter | { lat: number; lng: number } | { lat: 26.850000, lng: 80.949997 } | Default center for the map when it is loaded |
defaultMarker | { lat: number; lng: number } | - | Default marker to be diplayed on map when it is loaded. This overrides defaultCenter prop. |
defaultZoom | number (0 - 18) | 14 | Default zoom factor for the google map |
mapOptions | google.maps.MapOptions | { mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, mapTypeControl: false, streetViewControl: false, fullscreenControl: false, scaleControl: false, zoomControl: true, disableDoubleClickZoom: true, clickableIcons: false } | Fields array accepted by Google maps Places API . This is going to save your cost. :D |
placesOptions | Array | ['geometry', 'formatted_address'] | Fields array accepted by Google maps Places API . This is going to save your cost. :D |
markerOptions | google.maps.ReadonlyMarkerOptions | - | Marker options to customize marker. (Note: markerIconUrl has precedence over the icon prop here) |
infoWindowLoader | JSX.Element | - | Loader to show inside info window till the details are loaded |
infoWindow | string | <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; font-size: 0.918rem; min-height: 28px;"><b>mainText</b>secondaryText</div> |
Stringified element for Info Window with mainText and secondaryText in place. These keywords are replaced with actual values. |
beforeChange | () => void | - | Gets called before the change starts. In case you need to disable any confirm button in place till new location is selected. |
onPlacesChange | (coordinates: { [key: string]: number }, callback: (place: string) => void) => void; | - | Receives the coordinates { lat, lng } and then expects user to do callback with the location text separated by hyphen (-). eg: 'Para - Lucknow'. This is helpful when we fetch the location from coordinates on our own server to create a database, and then pass that to callback so next time for a same request we don't need to fetch details from google. This will bypass the Geocoder API and more savings. :D |
afterChange | (data: { lat: number, lng: number, place: string }) => void | - | Gets called once map is finished updating and returns the final lat, lng and the location text |
onError | (error: any) => void | - | Gets called an error is ocurred |
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
placeholder | string | 'Search location' | Placeholder for the search input |
inputStyles | CSSProperties | - | Custom styles for the input element |
suggestionStyles | CSSProperties | - | Custom styles for a single suggestion in autocomplete |
searchOptions | google.maps.places.AutocompletionRequest | - | Custom options for the AutoComplete API |
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.