- Abraham Tishelman-Charny - [email protected]
The purpose of this respository is to setup an HTCondor jobs monitor (a Monidor) to monitor the status of the user's HTCondor jobs.
In order to create a monidor, you need a bash script to query HTCondor and a php file to display the results. To set this up, go to your CERN website location on lxplus, for example on EOS:
cd /eos/user/<userLetter>/<userName>/www/
and clone this repository:
git clone
via SSH:
git clone [email protected]:atishelmanch/Monidor.git
The first thing that needs to be changed is the "user" variable in, which should be set to your lxplus username, and the "userName" variable in index.php, which should be set to which ever name / nickname you would like to be in the title of the graph.
To setup the monidor, you need to run the script on a loop:
cd Monidor
watch -n 10 ./
This will run every 10 seconds, meaning every 10 seconds the output file CondorElements_tmp.txt will have been updated with the most up to date condor query info. As long as this is running in a terminal, and your CERN website is setup properly (done here, also see here) you should be able to see your monitor at:
If everything is working properly, you should see the graph automatically refresh every 5 seconds and it should look something like this (as long as you have condor jobs running):