Build an application that can be run as a container on the cloud for creating/updating/deleting a student.
- Allow user to add, update, delete a student
- Each student should have:
- Student Name
- Student ID Number
- Student Email
- Student Phone Number
- Persist all student details in the database
Build an application that can be run as a container on the cloud for creating/updating/deleting an elective subject.
- Allow user to add, update, delete an elective subject
- Each elective subject should have:
- Elective Subject Name
- Elective Subject Description
- Elective Subject Code
- Persist all subjects in the database
Build an application that can be run as a container on the cloud for selecting/updating/deleting elective subject for each student.
There should be 2 pages/screens/views – Student Page and Elective Subject Page
On the Student Page:
The user should be able to select a student from a list of students(From Problem Statement 1)
Then let them select, update, delete the elective subject(s)(From Problem Statement 2) for that student
On the Elective Subject Page:
- The user should be able to select an elective subject from list of elective subject (From Problem Statement 2)
- Then let them select, update, delete the student(s) that have chosen the elective subject
- The solution will be evaluated for:
- Code maintained on git with commit histories
- Readme or any other documentation created
- Follow coding best practices including comments
- Ensure SOLID/DRY principles are followed
- Design patterns are used
- Code as per latest syntax using advanced language features
- Unit testing implemented in code
- Evaluate work through commit history to see progress over time showing consistency
- Completeness: Complete the features? Are all the tests running?
- Correctness: Does the functionality work as per requirement?
- Maintainability: Is it written in a clean, maintainable way?
- Debug: Setup logging, linting and debug capability
- Hosting: Host as a container application either on cloud or on local machine on Docker/Podman