Space Filling Curve sparse matrix reordering implementations Stephan Frickenhaus(1,*), Annika Fuchs, Natalja Rakowsky(1) (2022)
(1) Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany
(*) Contact: [email protected]
This is a collection of codes for Space Filling Curve renumbering of sparse matrices. Main code of SFC-sonumbering is based on a work by Rakowsky and Fuchs (2011).
There is a C++-interface to R, and a demontrator of improved cache-efficiency for Matrix Vector product (SparseM, CSR-fornmat) with a pseudo FE-matrix created on the fly from a FE-like 2D-mesh. I also include an R-script applying SFC on the matrix structure, depicted in a 2D-graph representation, rather than on a FE-like mesh. This is achieved by a very fast graph-layout in 2D by pivotMDS.
To demonstrate cache effects in a multi-core approach, e.g., where multiple threads share a common cache, an R script is included for parallel matrix-vector-products on smaller pseudo-FE-matrices.
Findings: For large N (1.5e6) a clearly improved cacche-efficiency on sparse matrixvector product is demonstrated for both, the mesh-reordered as well as the matrix-layout reordered matrix. We propose to compute statistics of standard deviations of column indices across all rows to show the effect of cache-reuse in accessing nearby memory positions in indirect addressing, which is common to sparse matrix-vector products.
Outlook: Other sparse matrix formats, like ELLPACK-R, SELL-P, SELL-C-sigma should be implemented and benchmarked as well, e.g. to show cache-effects of SFC-sorting on GPUs under parallel processing (openACC, native CUDA).
resortgrid_SFC.c : original code from Rakowsky & Fuchs (2011); resortgrid_SFC_Rcpp.cpp : R-interface to the SFC function from Rakowsky & Fuchs (2011); benchmarks.R : R-script to benchmark sparse mat-vec-product in CSR-matrix-format, NO column-indices sorted; benchmarks_column_sort.R : R-script to benchmark sparse mat-vec-product in CSR-matrix-format, WITH column-indices sorted; benchmarks_column_sort_parallel.R : R-script to benchmark sparse mat-vec-product in CSR-matrix-format on muultiple threads, WITH column-indices sorted
Standard config of the pseudo FE matrix: N=1.5e6 nodes (dimension of vector) n=15 non-zeros per row
Order of execution: 1 bencharks.R (also saves the original matrix in rdat-file) 2 bencharks_colmn_sort.R (also saves the original matrix in rdat-file)
3 resort_matrix_graph.R (uses saved original matrix from benchmarks.R) 4 resort_matrix_graph_column_sort.R (uses saved original matrix from benchmarks_colmn_sort.R)
Rakowsky N. & Fuchs A. Efficient local resorting techniques with space filling curves applied to the tsunami simulation model TsunAWI. In IMUM 2011 - The 10th International Workshop on Multiscale (Un-)structured Mesh Numerical Modelling for coastal, shelf and global ocean dynamics, August 2011.
used R Packages:
RANN for fast nearest neighbor search on a random 2D mesh; Rcpp for the R-interface to sfc-code; SparseM for CSR matrix-vector product etc.; Matrix for interconversion to adjacency graph format; igraph for adjacency graph; graphlayouts for pivotMDS fast graph layout giving 2D coordinates for SFC without Mesh; microbenchmark for bencharking runtimes; parallel for parallel tests on multi-core / CPUs with shared cache;
Tested with R.version :
platform x86_64-w64-mingw32
arch x86_64
os mingw32
system x86_64, mingw32
major 4
minor 0.5
year 2021
month 03
day 31
svn rev 80133
language R
version.string R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31)
nickname Shake and Throw