Python 3.4.2 | flask 0.10.1 | sense_hat 2.2.0
These scripts use a Raspberry Pi with a Sense HAT to monitor temperature, humidity, pressure, and orientation. The sensor information is displayed on the sense HAT 8x8 LED matrix, and via the web browser using flask.
On your raspberry pi with sense HAT run the command lines below
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
git clone
Next you will need to install the packages needed for the scripts to execute
sudo apt-get install python3-flask
sudo apt-get install sense-hat
You then need to change directories to the newly downloaded repository and start the python scripts
cd Pi_Weather_Station
The 8x8 LED matrix should light up and begin scrolling sensor information. You can also view the sensor information using the web browser and pointing it to port 5000 of the raspberry pi.
To execute these scripts automatically we need to update the bash scripts in the utils folder and make them executable
First change directories to the utils folder and update the bash scripts to point to your python scripts
cd utils
Then make them executable
sudo chmod +x
sudo chmod +x
Test the files
Lastly add them to cron
sudo crontab -e
@reboot /home/pi/Pi_Weather_Station/utils/
@reboot /home/pi/Pi_Weather_Station/utils/
ctrl+x to exit and y to save. Then enter the command below to reboot
sudo reboot -h now
Your raspberry pi should reboot and execute both scripts on startup
- add joystick functionality
- add video (Pi Camera)
- improve web interface (buttons/user input)
- Allow user to create email alerts