Alternative firmware for U4 (STC15 8051 uC) on TransistorTester derivate TC1. Use in Combination with
This project is for Keil µVision IDE, which can be found here: You can either compile the fw yourself, use the latest precompiled fw in /Objects or download one of the released fw files.
Just grab any kind of USB-to-UART(3V3) Adapter and hook up...
- TXD (Stick) to P1,
- RXD to P2 and
- GND to GND
Alternatively you can either desolder it and use some SOP8 ↔ DIP8 socket converter or a SOIC (SOP8) test clip.
Download the STC-ISP Software here:
Open it but leave everything as it is, except:
- Input IRC frequency which is set to 12.000 MHz.
Press "Open Code File" and select the firmware (u4.hex). Press "Download/Program" and hook up 3.3V from the programmer to the chips VCC (power the IC).
Wait for the firmware being uploaded.