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URL Shortener Project Documentation


The objective of this project is to create a URL shortener using Laravel.

Laravel Version

This project utilizes Laravel version 6.2. As this is an older version of Laravel, certain requirements must be fulfilled in the development environment.

Version Dependencies

  • PHP: 7.2
  • Composer: 2.2
  • Node.js: Required for frontend dependencies



  1. PHP
  2. Composer
  3. Node.js

Installation Steps

  1. Clone the project repository:

    git clone
  2. Install the vendor files using Composer:

    composer install
  3. Copy the .env.example file and create a new file named .env.

  4. Generate the application secret key and add it to the .env file using the following command:

    php artisan key:generate
  5. Configure your database settings in the .env file. The application requires a database.

  6. Migrate the database tables:

    php artisan migrate
  7. Start the project:

    php artisan serve
  8. You can access the application at localhost:port. For example: http://localhost:8000


The Docker setup allows you to launch a ready-made deployment environment with a single command, eliminating the need for manual installation of tools such as PHP.

Included in Auto Deployment:

  • MySQL deployment
  • Nginx deployment
  • Tools including PHP, Redis, Composer, NPM, and Artisan

To use the Docker setup, extract the auto-deployment folder from the project and copy it to a separate location.

  1. Run docker-compose up. This command will initially build the necessary images, for example, php:7.2.0-fpm-alpine, and apply custom configurations. Once the system is up, Nginx will serve on localhost:80.

  2. To initialize the Laravel project, place your project code within the src folder that is created under the auto-deployment directory.

  3. Copy the env.example file and create a file named .env. Fill in the SQL information from the Docker Compose file (since they will be on the same network, using mysql as the database IP address is sufficient).

  4. Execute the command docker-compose run --rm composer install. This command will create the vendor folder and download the necessary dependencies.

  5. Run the command docker-compose run --rm artisan key:generate. This command will generate the necessary application key and write it to the .env file.

  6. Execute the command docker-compose run --rm artisan migrate. This command will process the database tables.

  7. Upon accessing localhost:80, the application panel will be displayed.


Image 1


Made with <3 and Laravel






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