This is a step by step guide which was written by me for myself mostly, with the intent to use and update it whenever I install a new mac.
Note: Those instructions were last applied on a fresh Mountain Lion MacBook Pro.
Login into the AppStore, go to "Purchases" and download all relevant apps.
In particular make sure to install Xcode.
NOTE: some apps that are not "properly" signed will not start unless you change Gatekeeper preferences. There is a better workaround though. Right click and select 'Open', this time you will have an additional optin to open it regardless of the Gatekeeper settings.
IMPORTANT: Make sure Dropbox finished sync before you open your 1password keychain!
sign into your gmail account to sync prefs (you will need to create a new application specific password if you use 2-phase auth.)
visit in every browser you use so that Google will stop redirecting to the stupid local site.
in Settings/Terminal set 'Unlimited scrollback'
Right-click -> open
to open it for the first time (its not signed)After that go to menu
GitX/Enable Terminal Usage...
to enable terminalgitx
command. -
To create postgres user without a password like in 'regular' postgres installation:
createuser --no-password -h localhost postgres echo /Applications/ | sudo tee /etc/paths.d/postgres
configure 'ctrl-alt-cmd-n' as quick entry with autofill
Note: site seems to be down. copy from old computer's Applications folder instead
Choose ~/Dropbox/books as the library location
Install Evernote from App Store first.
MacUpdate bundle
From the MacUpdate bundle (stored on s3) install ScreenFlow, KeyCue, Jaksta (licenses are in 1Password)
Copy files from ~/Library/Keychains/
. rename them with some common prefix
like name of the old computer.
from the old computer.
The keychains from the previous step should let you open it.
- quit iTunes on the old computer.
- open home directory in Finder
- right click on the Music folder and 'compress' it
- transfer it to the new computer.
- unpack into some temp folder
- remove the inside content of your ~/Music folder
- move the content of the Music folder from the old computer into ~/Music
- in case your music library was on an external drive - make sure the drive is mounted
- start iTunes
- simply copy the
~/Pictures/iPhoto Library
to the new computer
make sure you have the same version of Skype on both old and new computers
quit Skype on both computers
create archive of your skype id directory on the old computer, transfer it and open it at the same place at the new computer. The path is:
~/Library/Application Support/Skype/YOUR_SKYPE_ID
Download 64bit Community Server DMG archive from MySQL.
Mount it
install 3 components:
- mysql
- MySQL.prefpane
- MySQLStartupItem
setup paths:
echo /usr/local/mysql/bin | sudo tee /etc/paths.d/mysql echo /usr/local/mysql/man | sudo tee /etc/manpaths.d/mysql
If you get this error the magic incantation to fix it is this:
sudo install_name_tool -change libmysqlclient.18.dylib /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p286-falcon/gems/mysql2-0.2.13/lib/mysql2/mysql2.bundle
NOTE: you need to use your real mysql2.bundle path. to find it out do:
gem which mysql2
Copy the following files over:
to the path:echo ~/bin | sudo tee /etc/paths.d/home-bin
Go to system preferences and adjust the following:
check "Automatically hide and show the Dock"
Mission Control
uncheck "Automatically rearrange spaces based on most recent use"
uncheck "When switching to an application, switch to a space with open windows for the application"
Exclude directories from TimeMachine backup
sudo tmutil addexclusion -p ~/.dropbox sudo tmutil addexclusion -p ~/Dropbox sudo tmutil addexclusion -p ~/Google\ Drive/ sudo tmutil addexclusion -p ~/Downloads/ sudo tmutil addexclusion -p /usr/local/Cellar sudo tmutil addexclusion -p /usr/local/rvm
Language & Text
select required input sources
Security & Privacy
disable password reset through Apple ID
turn on "File Vault"
turn on Firewall
in "Modifier Keys" popup switch "Caps Lock" to "Control"
Keyboard Shortcuts:
turn off "Show Spotlight Window" in spotlight group and
turn on "Select next source in Input menu" in the "Keyboard & Text" group.
turn on "Switch to Desktop .." in "Mission Control"
turn on "All controls" for full keyboard access at the bottom of the dialog.
check "Tap to Click"
Mail, Contacts & Calendars
Setup GMail account
Choose computer name
Enable dragging with Drag Lock on "Mouse & Trackpad/Trackpad Options"
Change the following apps to be on all descktops:
- Preferences
- iTunes
- Contacts
- Calendar
- Reminders
- Skype
- HipChat
- 1Password
- Activity Monitor
- Install Xcode command line tools from Xcode Preferences' Downloads tab.
- Install Xquartz of at least version 2.7.2
NOTE: VERY important to install Xquartz before Homebrew.
- Install Homebrew.
- brew install macvim git wget imagemagick aria2 dos2unix watch tree pstree
- brew install tmux mtr iftop htop-osx gpg2 ctags
- brew install erlang
- brew install clojure clojure-contrib leiningen
- brew install md5deep ack s3cmd unrar
- brew install tig
sudo su -
cd /etc/
git init
chmod 700 .git
git add .
git commit -m initial
UPDATE: I just installed a new Air laptop and it had the directories in the file pointing to the old location, so there was no need to do any of this... To check do
grep data_directory /etc/postfix/
. IF it points to /Library/... then you might need to do the fixes below.
If you upgraded from Lion your Postfix config is most probably broken. The upgrade changes /etc/postfix/ to point to a new set of postfix directories but leaves the old directories at their old place.
Note: I expect ML upgrade process to be soon fixed to handle this so at some point in time those steps should become unnecessary
to verify the new directory locations:
ls /Library/Server/Mail/Data/spool
ls /Library/Server/Mail/Data/mta
check the old directory locations:
ls /var/spool/postfix
ls /var/lib/postfix
Lets move the directories to their new place (if needed):
sudo mkdir -p /Library/Server/Mail/Data
sudo mv /var/spool/postfix /Library/Server/Mail/Data/spool
sudo mv /var/lib/postfix /Library/Server/Mail/Data/mta
Start the Postfix daemon
sudo postfix set-permissions
sudo postfix start
might complain about missing man pages. the problem is that
the new postfix-files
file has the man pages with .gz
extension, but they
were not compressed during the upgrade.
To fix:
d=/usr/share/man;grep manpage_directory /etc/postfix/postfix-files | cut -d/ -f2- | cut -d: -f1 | grep '\.gz$' | while read f; do echo $f;[ ! -e "$d/$f" -a -e "$d/${f%.gz}" ] && sudo gzip -9v "$d/${f%.gz}";done
sudo postfix set-permissions
Then you also might have the following problem:
postfix/postfix-script: warning: group or other writable: /Library/Server/Mail/Data/mta
To fix edit /etc/postfix/postfix-files:
sudo vim /etc/postfix/postfix-files
find the line
and change 770 to 750. then set-persmissions again and verify:
sudo postfix set-permissions
sudo postfix check
brew install zsh zsh-completions
git clone [email protected]:astrails/dotzsh .zsh
ln -sfn .zsh/zshrc .zshrc
echo /usr/local/bin/zsh | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh
# edit /etc/paths and move /usr/local/bin to the 1st line
# also add /usr/local/sbin just as the 2nd line
vim /etc/paths
- wget -O /Library/Fonts/Inconsolata.otf
- wget -O /Library/Fonts/Inconsolata-dz-Powerline.otf
- wget -O /Library/Fonts/Menlo-Powerline.otf
- wget -O /Library/Fonts/mensch-Powerline.otf
Fork and make changes to suite your needs. You must edit user-gitconfig.
cd ~
git clone YOUR_FORK_LOCATION .dot
cd .dot
make install
This will install the following:
- ~/.local-after.vim
- ~/.zsh/local
- /etc/gitconfig
- ~/.gitconfig
Homebrew's git system file is not quite properly set. it points to version install dir and not to /usr/local/etc. we will need to link it every git install/upgrade:
First note the path of the system gitconfig file:
git config --system -l
Link to /etc (use the path from previous command). e.g.:
# for older versions of git this will be something like
sudo ln -sfn /etc/gitconfig /usr/local/Cellar/git/
# for the newer ones:
sudo ln -sfn /etc/gitconfig /usr/local/etc/
Verify it works:
git lga
NOTE: in older versions of brew git system config directory was inside the brew's Cellar, so you had to re-do this every time you installed a new version of git. The latest versions though, use /usr/local/etc/gitconfig instead, so you only need to do it once.
Copy your ~/.ssh
directory over from the old system or backup.
Generate ssh keys:
ssh-keygen -t dsa
cd ~
git clone .vim
ln -sfn .vim/vimrc .vimrc
cd .vim
make install
curl -L | sudo bash -s stable
After the install go to Preferences and add your user to the rvm group. Logout and re-login. now you are able to run rvm commands.
brew install libksba
rvm install ruby
brew tap homebrew/dupes
brew install apple-gcc42
rvm install 1.9.2
CFLAGS="-I/opt/X11/include" rvm install 1.8.7
Copy ~/.heroku/accounts
from the old machine.
gem install heroku
heroku plugins:install git://
Verify by running
heroku accounts
We will use NVM to install node:
cd ~
git clone git:// .nvm
Open new terminal so that nvm config will load (handled by dotfiles/zsh-local).
nvm install v0.8.6
nvm alias default v0.8.6
Open new terminal again and verify that node
Now we need to install a couple of npm modules:
npm install -g coffee-script
npm install -g js2coffee
curl | sh
Download and install Backblaze from
Start backblaze.
Select Transfer Backup State from the Backblaze Menu Icon and follow the steps.
Its important to add backblaze directory to timemachine exclusions list
sudo tmutil addexclusion -p /Library/Backblaze.bzpkg
Download ScanSnap Manager
Need to install original software and latest update.
© 2012 Vitaly Kushner, Astrails Ltd.