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Developed a platform to automate data collection and analysis of Reddit posts and comments.

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Reddit ETL Pipeline

A data pipeline to extract Reddit data from 'r/dataengineering'.

Output is a Google Data Studio report, providing insight into the Data Engineering official subreddit.


  1. Extract data using Reddit API
  2. Load into AWS S3
  3. Copy into AWS Redshift
  4. Transform using dbt
  5. Create Google Data StudioDashboard
  6. Orchestrate with Airflow in Docker
  7. Create AWS resources with Terraform



Follow below steps to setup pipeline. I've tried to explain steps where I can. Feel free to make improvements/changes.

First clone the repository into your home directory and follow the steps.

git clone


This pipeline was designed not only to create a dashboard, but to gain exposure to a range of tools, develop new skills, and hopefully provide help to others.

How this pipeline works

There is one DAG (pipeline) running which extracts Reddit data from its API using Python's PRAW API wrapper.

It is setup to extract data from the past 24 hours and store in a CSV with fields such as post ID, author name, and so forth.

This CSV is then loaded directly into an AWS S3 bucket (cloud storage) before being copied to AWS Redshift (cloud data warehouse).

This entire process is running with Apache Airflow (orchestration tool) running with Docker. This saves us having to manually setup Airflow.

Another two components make up this project that are not controlled with Airflow.

  • First, we use dbt to connect to our data warehouse and transform the data. We're only using dbt to gain some familiarity with it and build our skills.

  • Second, we will connect a BI tool to our warehouse and create some visualisations. I recommend Google Data Studio, but feel free to use something else.

Proceed to the next step to get started.

Reddit API

For this project we'll be taking data from Reddit. Specifically, the r/DataEngineering sub.

Feel free to change the subreddit in the script.

To extract Reddit data, we need to use its Application Programming Interface (API). There's a couple steps you'll need to follow to set this up.

  1. Create a Reddit account.

  2. Navigate here and create an app. Make sure you select "script" from the radio buttons during the setup process.

  3. Take a note of a few things once this is setup:

    • the App name
    • the App ID
    • API Secret Key


We'll be using the cloud to store our Reddit data; specifically, Amazon Web Service (AWS) which offers a free tier.

We're going to be using 2 services:

  • Simple Storage Service (S3) ~ This is Object Storage. When we extract data from Reddit, we'll store it in a CSV and push to an S3 Bucket as an object (think of a Bucket as a bit like a folder and an object as a file). This allows us to store all our raw data in the cloud.

  • Redshift ~ This is a Data Warehousing service. Utilising its Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) technology, Redshift is able to execute operations on large datasets at fast speeds. It's based on PostgreSQL, so we can use SQL to run operations here.

In our case, we'd be fine to use a local database like PostgreSQL. However, it's good practice to work with cloud tools like this.

AWS Account Setup

  1. Setup a personal AWS account.

  2. Setup CLI.

AWS Infrastucture

We'll use an infrastructure-as-code tool called Terraform. This will allow us to quickly setup (and destroy) our AWS resources using code.

We'll use Terraform to create:

  • Redshift Cluster

    Redshift is a columnar data warehousing solution offered by AWS. This will be the end destination for our data.

  • IAM Role forRedshift

    Role we assign to Redshift which will give it permission to read data from S3.

  • S3 Bucket

    Object storage for our extracted Reddit data.

  • Security Group

    This particular security group will be applied to Redshift, and will allow all incoming traffic so our dashboard can connect to it. NOTE: In a real production environment, it's not a good idea to allow all traffic into your resource.


  1. Install Terraform

    You can find installation instructions here for your OS.

  2. Change into terraform directory

    cd ~/Reddit-API-Pipeline/terraform
  3. Open the file

  4. Fill in the default parameters.

  5. May be a good idea to amend .gitignore to ignore all terraform files so you don't accidentally commit your password and other details. You'll need to remove the !*.tf line.

  6. Making sure you are still in the terraform directory, run this command to download the AWS terraform plugin:

    terraform init
  7. Run this command to create a plan based on and execute the planned changes to create resources in AWS:

    terraform apply
  8. (optional) Run this command to terminate the resources:

    terraform destroy


Next, you'll need to create a configuration file with your details. The extract and load scripts in our pipeline will utilise the details here.


  1. Create a configuration file under ~/Reddit-API-Pipeline/airflow/extraction/ called configuration.conf:

    touch ~/Reddit-API-Pipeline/airflow/extraction/configuration.conf
  2. Copy in the following:

    bucket_name = XXXXX
    redshift_username = awsuser
    redshift_password = XXXXX
    redshift_hostname =  XXXXX
    redshift_role = RedShiftLoadRole
    redshift_port = 5439
    redshift_database = dev
    account_id = 
    aws_region = us-east-1
    secret = XXXXX
    developer = XXXXX
    name = XXXXX
    client_id = XXXXX
  3. Change XXXXX values

    • If you need a reminder of your aws_config details, change folder back into the terraform folder and run the command. It will output the values you need to store under aws_config. Just be sure to remove any " from the strings.

      terraform output
    • For reddit_config these are the details you took note of after setting up your Reddit App. Note the developer is your Reddit name.

Docker & Airflow

We're going to run our pipeline daily, for demonstration purposes, although this could be changed at a later point. Each day, we'll extract the top Reddit posts for r/DataEngineering. Because LIMIT is set to None in the Reddit extraction script, it should in theory return all posts from the past 24 hours. Feel free to play around with this.


To orchestrate this, we'll use Apache Airflow, which allows us to define DAGs. Although Airflow is overkill in our case, consider it good practice. It will allow us automate our extraction and loading within our pipeline.


Another tool we'll use is Docker. This allows us to create and maintain 'containers'. Think of a container a bit like a special kind of virtual machine which, in our case, includes everything we need to run Airflow, bypassing the need to install a load of dependencies.

Airflow in Docker Info

For this project, the docker-compose.yaml file comes from the Airflow in Docker quick-start guide here. This defines all the services we need for Airflow, e.g., scheduler, web server, and so forth.

When we run this docker-compose file further down, it will start our containers/services. I've only changed a few things in this file:

  • These two extra lines added under volumes will mount these folders on our local file system to the docker containers. The first line below mounts our extraction folder to /opt/airflow, which contains the scripts our airflow DAG will run. The second line mounts our aws credentials into the docker containers as read only.

    - ./extraction:/opt/airflow/extraction
    - $HOME/.aws/credentials:/home/airflow/.aws/credentials:ro
  • This line pip installs the specified packages within the containers. Note that there are others ways we could have done this.

    _PIP_ADDITIONAL_REQUIREMENTS: ${_PIP_ADDITIONAL_REQUIREMENTS:- praw boto3 configparser psycopg2-binary}

Installing Docker

  1. First install Docker. Instructions here.

  2. Next install Docker Compose. Instructions here.

Running Airflow

To start our pipeline, we need to kick off Airflow which requires a couple more prerequisite steps.

  1. If using Windows, you may need to make a small update to the below line in the docker-compose.yaml file. Here we are mounting our aws credentials file on to a docker container.

    - $HOME/.aws/credentials:/home/airflow/.aws/credentials:ro
  2. Increase CPU and Memory in Docker Desktop resource settings to whatever you think your PC can handle.

  3. Run the following. You may be able to skip this step if you're not on linux. See here for more details.

    cd ~/Reddit-API-Pipeline/airflow
    # Create folders required by airflow. 
    mkdir -p ./logs ./plugins
    # host user id
    echo -e "AIRFLOW_UID=$(id -u)" > .env
  4. Making sure you are still in the airflow directory, initialise the airflow database. This will take a few minutes. Make sure the Docker daemon (background process) is running before doing this.

    docker-compose up airflow-init
  5. Create our Airflow containers. This could take a while. You'll know when it's done when you get an Airflow login screen at http://localhost:8080.

    docker-compose up
  6. If interested, once containers are created, you can view them in Docker Desktop, or list them from the command line with:

    docker ps
  7. You can even connect into a docker container and navigate around the filesystem:

    docker exec -it <CONTAINER ID> bash
  8. As mentioned above, navigate to http://localhost:8080 to access the Airflow Web Interface.

  9. The dag etl_reddit_pipeline should be set to start running automatically once the containers are created.

  10. If you want to shut down the airflow containers, run the following command from the airflow directory:

    docker-compose down


If you check in the airflow/dags folder, you'll find a file titled This is our DAG which you saw in Airflow's UI.

It's a very simple DAG. All it's doing is running 3 tasks, one after the other. This DAG will run everyday at midnight. It will also run once as soon as you create the Docker containers.

Read below for more details:

  1. extract_reddit_data_task This is extracting Reddit data.

  2. upload_to_s3

    This is uploading the newly created CSV to AWS S3 for storage within the bucket Terraform created.

  3. copy_to_redshift

    This is creating a table in Redshift if it doesn't already exist. It's then using the COPY command to copy data from the newly uploaded CSV file in S3 to Redshift.

Data Building Tool

dbt (data build tool) is a transformation tools that sits on top of our data warehouse.

In production, this could be used to create multiple different tables with different columns. Data scientists might be given access to one table, and data analysts the other, as an example. dbt would be able to run tests when creating these new tables, produce documentation for analysts to examine, help manage dependencies between models, and so forth.

If you continue, I'd recommend taking a quick look at some dbt tutorials. I'll only go through some basic steps to setup a transformation here.

For reference, here's a link to the separate repo I set up for dbt.

Setup (development)

  1. Create a dbt account here.

  2. Create a project or just stick to the default project created.

  3. Setup Up a Database Connection - Select Redshift

  4. On the next page, enter the relevant Redshift details. Once everything is input, click the Test button at the top. If successful, click Continue.

  5. Once connection is established, choose managed directory and give it a name.

  6. Once you've worked through these initial steps, click on Start Developing.

You are now in an IDE which is connected to your Redshift cluster. Here we'll run some basic transformations on our data.

  1. Click on initialize project. This will populate the directory on the left hand side with folder and files we may need.

  2. Under the models folder, create new files called reddit_transformed.sql (this name will be the name of the new model you create) and schema.yml. You can delete the example folder.

  3. In the schema.yml file, copy the following and save. You can see that I've added a not_null test for id. For the rest, I've only added in the name of the column and a description.

    version: 2
      - name: reddit_transformed
        description: Transformed Reddit Data
          - name: id
            description: Reddit ID of Post
              - not_null
          - name: title
            description: Title of Reddit Post
          - name: text
            description: Body Text of Reddit Post
          - name: score
            description: Score of Reddit Post
          - name: comments
            description: Number of Comments for Post
          - name: url
            description: Full URL of Reddit Post
          - name: comment
            description: Top comment for Reddit Post
          - name: dateposted
            description: Date Reddit Data was Downloaded
  4. In the text_posts.sql file, copy the following and save. This wil be our only transformation. This is basically removing some columns that don't really need, and also splitting the UTC datetime column into utc_date and utc_time. Feel free to transform the data in whichever way you want. This is just a VERY basic example.

    SELECT id, 
       created_utc::date as utc_date,
       created_utc::time as utc_time
    FROM dev.public.reddit
  5. If you check the bottom right of the screen, you'll see a preview button. Click this to see what your outputted table will look like based on the above SQL query. Basically, when we run dbt run in the UI (further down this page) what'll happen is this table will be created in a new schema within our Redshift database.

  6. Under the dbt_project.yml, update it to the following. All we've really changed here is the project name to reddit_project and told dbt to create all models as tables (rather than views). You can leave it as views if you wish.

    name: 'reddit_project'
    version: '1.0.0'
    config-version: 2
    profile: 'default'
    model-paths: ["models"]
    analysis-paths: ["analyses"]
    test-paths: ["tests"]
    seed-paths: ["seeds"]
    macro-paths: ["macros"]
    snapshot-paths: ["snapshots"]
    target-path: "target"  # directory which will store compiled SQL files
    clean-targets:         # directories to be removed by `dbt clean`
      - "target"
      - "dbt_packages"
        materialized: table
  7. To test what we've done, we can run the following commands at the bottom of the DBT IDE and make sure an error isn't returned:

    dbt run
    dbt test
  8. dbt run will generate our table within a different schema in Redshift. Easiest way to see this is to navigate to the AWS Console, login, search for Redshift, and use the Query Editor V2. dbt test will check the new model passes the tests (or test in our case) specified in the schema.yml file.

  9. The next step is to click commit on the left hand menu to commit our changes.

If you ran dbt run above and no error was returned, a new table will have been created in our Redshift database, under a new schema name. You would have specified this schema name during the initial setup of dbt during the Redshift connection phase. If you left it as the default, it'll likely be something like dbt_<dbt user name>.

To check this, navigate to your Redshift cluster in AWS, and click on Query Data on the top right (orange button). Here, you want to navigate to the dev database, select the relevant schema, and check that the new table is there. You can query it with:

SELECT * FROM <schema name>.reddit_transformed;

Setup (production)

When you working in your DBT development environment, this is where the models are created.

However, consider this schema to be our development environment. We now want to setup a production run, as we wouldn't want analysts accessing our models from within our development area.

  1. To do this, navigate to the left hand side menu and select Environments then click New Environments.

  2. The Type option should be set to Deployment. Change the Name to something like Production Run.

  3. Under Deployment Credentials enter your database username and password again. Also set a schema name, something like Analytics, and Save.

  4. Click on New Job.

  5. Give your job a name. Set environment as the Production Run you just created.

  6. Select the Generate Docs radio button.

  7. Under Commands ensure that dbt run and dbt test are both there.

  8. Under Triggers ,normally you'd have this on a schedule, but for our purposes, just de-select so that it does not run on a schedule. We'll just run it manually for now.

  9. Scroll to the top and save. Once saved, click Run Now. After a minute or two, you can then check the Redshift cluster, where you should find a new schema folder with our production table/model!


To terminate your resources, follow the below steps:

  1. Terminate your AWS resources by running the following Terraform command under the terraform directory:

    terraform destroy

    You can then check in the AWS console that Terraform has done it's job of deleting all the resources we created earlier.

  2. Stop and delete containers, delete volumes with database data and download images. To do so, navigate to the airflow directory you first ran docker-compose up and run the following:

    docker-compose down --volumes --rmi all
  3. The following command removes all stopped containers, all networks not used by at least one container, all unused images, all volumes, and all dangling build cache:

    docker system prune -a --volumes
  4. Delete your DBT account if you wish, along with any EC2 instances you may have setup.


This project was heavily influenced by

I cloned the core infrastructure and improved upon it. It was amazing experience to work with a diverse and industry standard tech stack. The work is well documented and it almost felt like I was doing a guided project in the first part. I'd recommend going through the original repo and starring it.


Developed a platform to automate data collection and analysis of Reddit posts and comments.







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