This is a basic app used to learn django.
#Installation of Requiremets
- Apache2
Run the following command in terminal to install
$ sudo apt-get install apache2
- mysql-server
Run the following commands in terminal
$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server
- python2.7
Run the following commands in terminal
$ sudo apt-get install python
- python-pip
Run the following commands in terminal
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
- python-mysqldb
Run the following commands in terminal
$ sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb
- django
Run the following commands in terminal
$ sudo pip install django==1.7
##Steps for Installation -:
Fork this repository and clone the forked repository
$ git clone 'link to your forked repository'
Create a database for LibreHatti.
$ mysql -u root -p $ create database mysite; $ quit
Edit file in mysite/polls directory. Things to be edited are:
Line No 60 : DATABASES
NAME : mysite
USER : Your MySQL username
PASSWORD : Your MySQl password
Go to the project directory and run the following commands.
$ cd mysite $ python migrate $ python runserver
Open 'localhost:8090' in your browser.