Website for Dagenham & Redbridge FC
Demo at http://dry-lake-73482.herokuapp.com/
Clone this code, call yarn install, then run this in a server using: NODE_ENV=production npm start
To Do:
- Code cleanup, (remove console logging,) and TODO's
- Add caching to server, (e.g. to News, like I've done with Table data)
Nice to Have:
- Add a customizable background image, (so you can see it on the sides.)
- Structured Data for Search Results, (see Google IO 2017 Notes in Google Docs)
- Fix react warnings about PropTypes, (if possible. Seems to be from a dependency.)
- Need SSL?
- Heroku image uploading now working, (need to fix Google authentication)
- https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/application-default-credentials
- Image uploading bug, (list doesn't work if it is empty and you are uploading the first image?)
- Admin Authentication & Authorization
- Store the token on the client end, e.g. localStorage or a cookie, so you can refresh the browser and still be logged in.
- Check if the token is expired, or will soon, on the client so the user doesn't lose their work?
- Change the Auth.js model to use a DB with hashed passwords, not env vars.
- Putting in (more detailed) traffic monitoring
- Storing Secrets
- https://cloud.google.com/kms/docs/secret-management
Cleanup dependencies?
- uuid
- moment
- react-foundation