This application is used to test multithreading aspects in Java and Node.js. There are multiple examples, some of them solved in multiple ways in Java and in Node.js and as a result we have a measurement table with respective outputs for comparison in the multithreading-java-vs-nodejs.pdf. Also there is a medium article Multithreading in Java vs Node.JS which describes multithreading in Java and Node.js
- Then there are multiple Java-main applications, to test core and enhanced Java concurrency features
- There are synchronous, asynchronous and asynchronous examples using parallelism examples build onto Java 11 http2 features
- There is a SpringBoot application, where you can see @Async feature using Java CompletableFuture
- For Reactive programming there are pub-sub examples and custom server implementation, which is a unique example
- Finally in node.js app there are multiple synch and async examples
- For Spring application just execute: run.bat
- For Node.js just execute: npm ci
- Other examples are just via plain java main method
- Run main methods under '' package to see core Java multithreading API examples e.g. deadlock, or race-condition examples, debug it to deep dive
- Run main methods under '' package to see Java concurrency API examples e.g. different locks, executors, producer-consumers, ..
Java Enhanced Concurrency - CompletableFuture with Java 11 http2 client, Reactive Programming and Virtual Threads
- See concurrency.completablefuture.api package to understand CompletableFuture
- Run main methods under 'concurrency.completablefuture.java11.httpclient' package to see synchronous, asynchronous and asynchronous examples using parallelism examples build onto Java 11 http2 features
- Run: mvn spring-boot:run and look the console output for async test,
- For sync example use: http://localhost:8080/findAll?userNames=PivotalSoftware,CloudFoundry,Spring-Projects,asatklichov
- Run Java9SubmissionPublisherDemo & Java9FlowableStreamDemo to play with Reactive Programming basics which came with Java 9 Flow API
- Run to play with akka reactive library
- Run to play with rxjava reactive library
- Bonus: Run custom http-server server: then run either java-client MyHttpClient or request it via browser: http://localhost:8000/serve
After you have installed the dependencies, described as above, just run like below examples. Also you can change the parameters or input file accordingly.
- Sync: multithreading-java-vs-nodejs\nodejs-app\src>node validate-domain-sync.js
- Async: multithreading-java-vs-nodejs\nodejs-app\src>node validate-domain-async3.js
- Async Axios: multithreading-java-vs-nodejs\nodejs-app\src>node validate-domain-axios.js
- Async Got: multithreading-java-vs-nodejs\nodejs-app\src>node validate-domain-got.js
- Worker thread app: multithreading-java-vs-nodejs\nodejs-app\src>node worker-parent.js
- Worker-thread-pool app: multithreading-java-vs-nodejs\nodejs-app\src>node worker-parent-pool.js