Open the current buffer Markdown in a Web browser with :PrevMark
local plugins = { {"asana17/prev-mark.nvim"}, }
Or you can use the local one.
local plugins = { {"prev-mark", dir = "~/prev-mark.nvim"}, }
Configuration Setup
Following setup is using default values.
require("prev-mark").setup( { verbose = false, server = { port = 8000, wait_limit = 1000, -- limit time in ms to wait for server to start }, preview = { directory = "<plugin_dir>/.preview", -- directory to place preview temporaly files css = "<plugin_dir>/node/config/preview.css", -- CSS attached to the preview open_browser = true, -- open browser if true, otherwise do not open browse_command = "", -- command to start browser show_url = false, -- show the preview file URL in the small window }, } )
Access preview URL from local browser. This requres following steps.
Specify following configuration:
server = {
port = 8001,
preview = {
open_browser = false, -- do not open the browser
show_url = true, -- show the url in the small window
Connect remote server with ssh port forwarding:
ssh -L 8001:localhost:8001 user@remote
To suppress the open
error from ssh
, use quiet option -q
Host remote
HostName remote
User user
RemoteForward 8001 localhost:8001
LogLevel QUIET
Use pre-commit
. Follow the official Quick start.
pre-commit install -t pre-commit -t commit-msg
Use Conventional Commits.