Version 1.1
Brief: Design an API for a vending machine, allowing users with a “seller” role to add, update or remove products, while users with a “buyer” role can deposit coins into the machine and make purchases. Your vending machine should only accept 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 cent coins.
Tasks: REST API should be implemented consuming and producing “application/json” Implement product model with amountAvailable, cost, productName and sellerId fields Implement user model with username, password, deposit and role fields Implement
CRUD for users (POST shouldn’t require authentication)
Implement CRUD for a product model (GET can be called by anyone, while POST, PUT and DELETE can be called only by the seller user who created the product)
Implement /deposit endpoint so users with a “buyer” role can deposit 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 cent coins into their vending machine account Implement /buy endpoint (accepts productId, amount of products) so users with a “buyer” role can buy
products with the money they’ve deposited. API should return total they’ve spent, products they’ve purchased and their change if there’s any (in 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 cent coins),
v1.1 Software now take supported coins as input. Default is still 5,10,20,50,100
Implement /reset endpoint so users with a “buyer” role can reset their deposit
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose down
make test
make test-integration
Add API documentation
Replace chi router with echo framework since it offer a nicer error handling where the errors are returned and could be handled by a middleware, Or consider passing the errors down by context and resolving in a middleware
Instead of seperating sql code in a private method and wrap it with error handling, Could let codegenerating generate the functions from sql files and call the generated function directly in the repository wrapper
Write a ci/cd pipeline
Replace authorization: Use Casbin authorization for users and roles enforcing, Store username and password in separate service or database with ids that we can reference in our database