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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 15, 2020. It is now read-only.


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Production Dependencies

Dependency Use
bootstrap CSS Framework
immer Helper for working with immutable data
prop-types Declare types for props passed into React components
react React library
react-dom React library for DOM rendering
react-redux Connects React components to Redux
react-router-dom React library for routing
react-toastify Display messages to the user
redux Library for unidirectional data flows
redux-thunk Async redux library
reselect Memoize selectors for performance

Development Dependencies

Dependency Use
@babel/core Transpiles modern JavaScript so it runs cross-browser
babel-eslint Lint modern JavaScript via ESLint
babel-loader Add Babel support to Webpack
babel-preset-react-app Babel preset for working in React. Used by create-react-app too.
css-loader Read CSS files via Webpack
cssnano Minify CSS
enzyme Simplified JavaScript Testing utilities for React
enzyme-adapter-react-16 Configure Enzyme to work with React 16
eslint Lints JavaScript
eslint-loader Run ESLint via Webpack
eslint-plugin-import Advanced linting of ES6 imports
eslint-plugin-react Adds additional React-related rules to ESLint
fetch-mock Mock fetch calls
html-webpack-plugin Generate HTML file via webpack
http-server Lightweight HTTP server to serve the production build locally
jest Automated testing framework
json-server Quickly create mock API that simulates create, update, delete
mini-css-extract-plugin Extract imported CSS to a separate file via Webpack
node-fetch Make HTTP calls via fetch using Node - Used by fetch-mock
npm-run-all Display results of multiple commands on single command line
postcss-loader Post-process CSS via Webpack
react-test-renderer Render React components for testing
react-testing-library Test React components
redux-immutable-state-invariant Warn when Redux state is mutated
redux-mock-store Mock Redux store for testing
rimraf Delete files and folders
style-loader Insert imported CSS into app via Webpack
webpack Bundler with plugin ecosystem and integrated dev server
webpack-bundle-analyzer Generate report of what's in the app's production bundle
webpack-cli Run Webpack via the command line
webpack-dev-server Serve app via Webpack


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