This is the main repository. There are two subrepos, client and server.
git clone
cd client && npm install
cd ../server && npm install
You will need to have an available MongoDB instance running. Once you have an available URI, insert it into the server's .env file in the appropriate location.
in the client directory, create a file named .env-dev and add the following lines:
in the server directory, create a file named , and add:
MONGO_URI= ** insert your MongoDB URI here.
Once these files are in place, run the following command in the server directory, then in the client directory:
npm run start:watch
Once the builds complete you can connect to http://locahost:5000 and either create a user or log in as Admin:password.
- The OMDb API - The Open Movie Database, which we access using the open-api-client package, provides the movie data and poster imagery.
- Thanks to Al She for the team photo!