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Kubernetes Deployment with Terraform and Helm

This repository contains Terraform configurations and Helm charts for deploying applications on Docker Desktop Kubernetes. It includes Redis, a demo application using Argo Rollouts, and an NGINX Ingress Controller.


  • Docker Desktop with Kubernetes enabled
  • Terraform
  • Helm
  • kubectl
  • Argo Rollouts CLI


1. Install Docker Desktop

Download and install Docker Desktop.

2. Enable Kubernetes in Docker Desktop

  1. Open Docker Desktop.
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Select the Kubernetes tab.
  4. Check "Enable Kubernetes".
  5. Click "Apply & Restart".

3. Install Terraform

Follow the instructions on the Terraform website to install Terraform.

4. Install Helm

Follow the instructions on the Helm website to install Helm.

5. Install kubectl

Follow the instructions on the Kubernetes website to install kubectl.

6. Install Argo Rollouts CLI

Follow the instructions on the Argo Rollouts GitHub page to install the Argo Rollouts CLI.


1. Clone the repository

git clone
cd cd-automation

2. All the helm charts are stored in helm-charts folder.

├── redis
│   ├── Chart.yaml
│   ├── templates
│   │   ├── ingress.yaml
│   │   ├── service.yaml
│   │   └── statefulset.yaml
│   └── values.yaml
└── rollouts-demo
    ├── Chart.yaml
    ├── templates
    │   ├── ingress.yaml
    │   ├── rollout.yaml
    │   ├── service-canary.yaml
    │   └── service-primary.yaml
    └── values.yaml

3. Install the Nginx controller for ingress.

Nginx ingress controller will be installed with terraform.

❯ kubectl get ingress
NAME                                         CLASS   HOSTS                 ADDRESS     PORTS   AGE
redis-ingress                                nginx   redis.local           localhost   80      5m46s
rollouts-demo-primary                        nginx   rollouts-demo.local   localhost   80      5m45s
rollouts-demo-rollouts-demo-primary-canary   nginx   rollouts-demo.local   localhost   80      5m45s

The rollouts-demo-rollouts-demo-primary-canary ingress has following annotations which is auto created with the argo rollout config.

kind: Ingress
  annotations: "true" "20"
  name: rollouts-demo-rollouts-demo-primary-canary
  namespace: default

4. Install Argo Rollouts Controller

Argo rollouts will be installed with the helm using terraform

5. Create host entries for local system in /etc/hosts for testing

vim /etc/hosts redis.local rollouts-demo.local

6. Initialize Terraform

terraform init

7. Plan and Apply the Terraform configuration

terraform plan
terraform apply

8. To get the status of the rollouts

As we have already set the canary-weight to 20%.

Argo rollout config.

❯ cat rollout.yaml 
kind: Rollout
  name: rollouts-demo
  replicas: {{ .Values.replicas }}
      canaryService: rollouts-demo-canary
      stableService: rollouts-demo-primary
          stableIngress: rollouts-demo-primary
      - setWeight: 20
      - pause: {}

Check the replicaSets

❯ kubectl get rs                                    
NAME                       DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
rollouts-demo-687d76d795   1         1         1       4m37s
rollouts-demo-7d9c645dbb   4         4         4       4m37s

80% of traffic will be routed to the primary and rest 20% of traffic be routed to the canary based on rollouts-pod-template-hash label applied to the replicaSets of primary and canary.

kubectl argo rollouts get rollout rollouts-demo

Name:            rollouts-demo
Namespace:       default
Status:          ॥ Paused
Message:         CanaryPauseStep
Strategy:        Canary
  Step:          1/2
  SetWeight:     20
  ActualWeight:  20
Images:          argoproj/rollouts-demo:blue (canary)
                 argoproj/rollouts-demo:green (stable)
  Desired:       4
  Current:       5
  Updated:       1
  Ready:         5
  Available:     5

NAME                                       KIND        STATUS     AGE  INFO
⟳ rollouts-demo                            Rollout     ॥ Paused   38s  
├──# revision:2                                                        
│  └──⧉ rollouts-demo-687d76d795           ReplicaSet  ✔ Healthy  36s  canary
│     └──□ rollouts-demo-687d76d795-5thkd  Pod         ✔ Running  36s  ready:1/1
└──# revision:1                                                        
   └──⧉ rollouts-demo-7d9c645dbb           ReplicaSet  ✔ Healthy  38s  stable
      ├──□ rollouts-demo-7d9c645dbb-4t6j6  Pod         ✔ Running  38s  ready:1/1
      ├──□ rollouts-demo-7d9c645dbb-6fhph  Pod         ✔ Running  38s  ready:1/1
      ├──□ rollouts-demo-7d9c645dbb-qqpt2  Pod         ✔ Running  38s  ready:1/1
      └──□ rollouts-demo-7d9c645dbb-x6lm5  Pod         ✔ Running  38s  ready:1/1

9. To promote a rollout

It will promote canary to the stable release and the traffic to the canary will be set to 0%

kubectl argo rollouts promote rollouts-demo

This will promote the canary to the stable

❯ kubectl argo rollouts get rollout rollouts-demo
Name:            rollouts-demo
Namespace:       default
Status:          ✔ Healthy
Strategy:        Canary
  Step:          2/2
  SetWeight:     100
  ActualWeight:  100
Images:          argoproj/rollouts-demo:blue (stable)
  Desired:       4
  Current:       8
  Updated:       4
  Ready:         8
  Available:     8

NAME                                       KIND        STATUS     AGE    INFO
⟳ rollouts-demo                            Rollout     ✔ Healthy  2m36s  
├──# revision:2                                                          
│  └──⧉ rollouts-demo-687d76d795           ReplicaSet  ✔ Healthy  2m34s  stable
│     ├──□ rollouts-demo-687d76d795-5thkd  Pod         ✔ Running  2m34s  ready:1/1
│     ├──□ rollouts-demo-687d76d795-8wgqg  Pod         ✔ Running  4s     ready:1/1
│     ├──□ rollouts-demo-687d76d795-fpnvv  Pod         ✔ Running  4s     ready:1/1
│     └──□ rollouts-demo-687d76d795-frcwf  Pod         ✔ Running  4s     ready:1/1
└──# revision:1                                                          
   └──⧉ rollouts-demo-7d9c645dbb           ReplicaSet  ✔ Healthy  2m36s  delay:26s
      ├──□ rollouts-demo-7d9c645dbb-4t6j6  Pod         ✔ Running  2m36s  ready:1/1
      ├──□ rollouts-demo-7d9c645dbb-6fhph  Pod         ✔ Running  2m36s  ready:1/1
      ├──□ rollouts-demo-7d9c645dbb-qqpt2  Pod         ✔ Running  2m36s  ready:1/1
      └──□ rollouts-demo-7d9c645dbb-x6lm5  Pod         ✔ Running  2m36s  ready:1/1

Check the status of the rollout, the previous version will be scaled down after the canary is promoted.

❯ kubectl argo rollouts get rollout rollouts-demo
Name:            rollouts-demo
Namespace:       default
Status:          ✔ Healthy
Strategy:        Canary
  Step:          2/2
  SetWeight:     100
  ActualWeight:  100
Images:          argoproj/rollouts-demo:blue (stable)
  Desired:       4
  Current:       4
  Updated:       4
  Ready:         4
  Available:     4

NAME                                       KIND        STATUS        AGE    INFO
⟳ rollouts-demo                            Rollout     ✔ Healthy     4m24s  
├──# revision:2                                                             
│  └──⧉ rollouts-demo-687d76d795           ReplicaSet  ✔ Healthy     4m22s  stable
│     ├──□ rollouts-demo-687d76d795-5thkd  Pod         ✔ Running     4m22s  ready:1/1
│     ├──□ rollouts-demo-687d76d795-8wgqg  Pod         ✔ Running     112s   ready:1/1
│     ├──□ rollouts-demo-687d76d795-fpnvv  Pod         ✔ Running     112s   ready:1/1
│     └──□ rollouts-demo-687d76d795-frcwf  Pod         ✔ Running     112s   ready:1/1
└──# revision:1                                                             
   └──⧉ rollouts-demo-7d9c645dbb           ReplicaSet  • ScaledDown  4m24s 

Clean Up

To destroy the infrastructure managed by Terraform:

terraform destroy


cd automation







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