Client side scaffold with React-Redux on the frontend and Express server to serve built files in the production mode. Scaffold supports production and development modes, with Best Developer Experience ( DX ) by Hot-Loading for the client side application. There will be no need to restart during development, hence making the experience smooth and decrease the delivery time.
├── src # Frontend source files
| ├── components # React component's source
| ├── config # Redux store's configuration
| ├── layouts # React layout component's source
| | └── App.Router.js # React Router
| ├── reducers # Redux reducer's source
| ├── index.html # Root HTML template
| ├── index.js # Frontend source entry point
| └── style.scss # Global Sass stylesheet
├── .babelrc # Babel configuration ( ES6, React, JSX )
├── .eslintrc # ESLint configuration
├── .travis.yml # Travis CI configuration file
├── devServer.js # Hot loading server source ( development mode )
├── dist # Compiled files
├── .gitignore # Ignored files from git commit
├── server.js # Express server to serve index.html and other assets
├── LICENSE # License to use the project
├── package.json # Frontend and backend dependencies
├── postcss.config.js # PostCSS configuration
├── Procfile # Heroku procfile, for deployment
├── # This file
├── webpack.config.js # Webpack configuration for 'production'
└── # Webpack configuration for 'development'
# Install the dependencies
npm install
# Build the client
npm run build:production
# Start the project ( it will build the client, before starting the server )
npm start
# Open web browser at http://localhost:8080
# You will see a sample Single Page Application
# Start client in development mode with hot code loading,
npm run start:development
Hit frontend dev server to load application in the browser, enjoy developing :)
Refer to the react-hot-boilerplate for further description.
# Build the client for production deployment
npm run build:production
# Build the client for production deployment and start the backend server with 'forever' package
npm start
Backend server will start at http://localhost:8080 or the value provided in PORT environment variable, inside forever process and bundled frontend client will be served from the dist
- Hot Reloading of the Routes ( Browser refresh is needed! ).
In case of any query or feedback, please feel free to connect via
- [email protected] (Arpit Goyal)
Or, open an issue at github.