Welcome to qr enabled jigsaw puzzle. This app allows you to scan a bunch of qr codes that (when scanned) trigger the qr code to solve by itself.
[Note] This app was designed to be run in a 4:3 aspect ratio screen (like an ipad). If you run it on a 16:9 screen, some parts of the puzzle will be cut off.
- terraform 1.4.6
- node v16.15.0
- npm 8.6.0
cd lambda/
npm install
cd ../
terraform init
terraform apply
- use the terraform output to update the index.html file
terraform apply
(to update the lambda with correct api variable)
- aws account
- node
- npm
- terraform
The terraform output will display the api url.
The api endpoints are
- /jigsaw (GET) : shows the jigsaw puzzle board
- /puzzle?stall=[stall_id] (GET) : acknowledge the particular puzzle (or stall) to solve
(The stall IDs are configured in the index.html and index.js files)
If you'd like to have it prehosted for you, please contact me.