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updates to roots finding and optimization
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arotem3 committed Jan 10, 2019
1 parent ea5f76c commit 476a0f0
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Showing 23 changed files with 497 additions and 258 deletions.
18 changes: 16 additions & 2 deletions ODEs/ODE.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,20 @@

#include "../numerics.hpp"

/* Copyright 2019 Amit Rotem
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License. */

namespace ODE {
// --- ode solver constants --- //
const double rk45_kmin = 1.0e-4;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,8 +208,8 @@ namespace ODE {
arma::vec am2(std::function<double(double,double)>, arma::vec&, double, ivp_options&);
arma::vec am2(std::function<double(double,double)>, arma::vec&, double);

numerics::CubicInterp IVP_solve(const odefun&, arma::vec&, arma::mat&, ivp_options&, ode_solver solver = RK45);
numerics::CubicInterp IVP_solve(const odefun&, arma::vec&, arma::mat&, ode_solver solver = RK45);
dsolnc IVP_solve(const odefun&, arma::vec&, arma::mat&, ivp_options&, ode_solver solver = RK45);
dsolnc IVP_solve(const odefun&, arma::vec&, arma::mat&, ode_solver solver = RK45);
// --- BVPs ------------------- //
class linear_BVP {
//--- u''(x) = a(x) + b(x)*u(x) + c(x)*u'(x) ---//
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions ODEs/nonlin_bvp.cpp
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Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ ODE::dsolnp ODE::bvp(const odefun& f, const bcfun& bc, const soln_init& guess, b
arma::vec x;
cheb(D, x, bc.xL, bc.xR, m-1);

auto ff = [&](const arma::vec& u) -> arma::vec {
numerics::vector_func ff = [&](const arma::vec& u) -> arma::vec {
arma::mat U = arma::reshape(u,m,n);
arma::rowvec BC = bc.func(u.row(0), u.row(m-1));
arma::mat A = D;
Expand All @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ ODE::dsolnp ODE::bvp(const odefun& f, const bcfun& bc, const soln_init& guess, b
return z;
}; // wrapper for root finding function

std::function<arma::mat(const arma::vec&)> J = [&](const arma::vec& u) -> arma::mat {
numerics::vec_mat_func J = [&](const arma::vec& u) -> arma::mat {
arma::mat U = arma::reshape(u,m,n);
arma::mat DF = arma::zeros(m*n,m*n);
if (opts.jacobian_func != nullptr) { // Jacobian provided
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ ODE::dsolnp ODE::bvp(const odefun& f, const bcfun& bc, const soln_init& guess, b
opts.lsqropts.jacobian_func = &J;
numerics::lmlsqr(ff, U0, opts.lsqropts);
} else { // use Broyden solver
arma::mat J0 = J(U0);
opts.nlnopts.init_jacobian = &J0;
arma::mat JJ = J(U0);
opts.nlnopts.init_jacobian = &JJ;
numerics::broyd(ff, U0, opts.nlnopts);

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18 changes: 0 additions & 18 deletions bfgs.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,23 +1,5 @@
#include "numerics.hpp"

//--- rough approximator step size for quasi-newton methods based on strong wolfe conditions ---//
double numerics::wolfe_step(const vec_dfunc& obj_func, const vector_func& f, const arma::vec& x, const arma::vec& p, double c1, double c2, double b) {
double alpha = 1;
int k = 0;
while (true) {
if (k > 100) break;
double pfa = arma::dot(p, f(x + alpha*x));
bool cond1 = obj_func(x + alpha*p) <= obj_func(x) + c1*alpha*pfa;
bool cond2 = std::abs(arma::dot(p, f(x + alpha*p))) <= c2*std::abs(arma::dot(p, f(x)));
if (cond1 && cond2) break;
else if (obj_func(x + b*alpha*p) < obj_func(x + alpha*p)) alpha *= b;
else alpha /= b;
return alpha;

//--- Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (BFGS) algorithm for local optimization ---//
//----- f : vec = f(x) system of equations --------------------------------------//
//----- x : initial guess close to a local minimum, root will be stored here -----//
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions broyd.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ void numerics::broyd(const vector_func& f, arma::vec& x, nonlin_opts& opts) {
else if (opts.init_jacobian != nullptr) {
Jinv = *opts.init_jacobian;
Jinv = arma::pinv(Jinv);
} else if (opts.jacobian_func != nullptr) {
Jinv = opts.jacobian_func->operator()(x);
Jinv = arma::pinv(Jinv);
} else { // FD approximation always used to initialize.
Jinv = arma::pinv(Jinv);
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21 changes: 18 additions & 3 deletions cyc_queue.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ numerics::cyc_queue::cyc_queue(size_t num_rows, size_t max_size) {

//--- add an element to the queue, removing first in element if the queue is full ---//
void numerics::cyc_queue::push(arma::vec& x) {
void numerics::cyc_queue::push(const arma::vec& x) {
if (size < max_elem) { // queue not full
A.col(size) = x;
Expand All @@ -26,13 +26,16 @@ arma::vec numerics::cyc_queue::operator()(size_t i) {
if (i >= size) {
std::cerr << "cyc_queue::element access out of bounds." << std::endl;
return {0};
else {
} else {
int ind = mod(i + head, size);
return A.col(ind);

arma::vec numerics::cyc_queue::end() {
return A.col(size-1);

//--- return current length of cyclic queue (relevent especially when not full) ---//
int numerics::cyc_queue::length() {
return size;
Expand All @@ -41,4 +44,16 @@ int numerics::cyc_queue::length() {
//--- return num_rows of the elements (each a vector) of the queue ---//
int numerics::cyc_queue::col_size() {
return A.n_rows;

void numerics::cyc_queue::clear() {

arma::mat numerics::cyc_queue::data() {
arma::mat D = arma::zeros(A.n_rows, size);
for (unsigned int i(0); i < size; ++i) {
D.col(i) = operator()(i);
return D;
13 changes: 5 additions & 8 deletions examples/bvp_ex.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
#include "../ODEs/ODE.hpp"
#include "gnuplot_i.hpp"

// g++ -g -o bvp_ex polyInterp.cpp newton.cpp broyd.cpp lmlsqr.cpp finite_dif.cpp ODEs/cheb.cpp ODEs/linear_bvp.cpp ODEs/nonlin_bvp.cpp examples/bvp_ex.cpp examples/wait.cpp -larmadillo -lsuperlu

double afunc(double x) {
return std::sin(x);
Expand All @@ -28,9 +26,9 @@ int main() {
arma::vec x;
arma::mat U;

// problem.solve(x,U,40); // 4th order FD approximation
problem.solve(x,U,40); // 4th order FD approximation
// problem.solve(x,U,40, SECOND_ORDER); // 2nd order FD approximation
problem.solve(x,U,20, CHEBYSHEV); // spectral order approximation
// problem.solve(x,U,20, CHEBYSHEV); // spectral order approximation
// dsolnp y = problem.solve(20); x = arma::linspace(0,2*M_PI); U = y.soln(x); // spectral order approximation outputing cheb polynomial

arma::mat u = 0.25 * (arma::exp(-2*M_PI - x) % (-1 + 4*std::exp(2*M_PI)+arma::exp(2*x)) - 2*arma::sin(x));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,7 +71,7 @@ int main() {
bc.xR = 2*M_PI;
bc.func = [](const arma::rowvec& uL, const arma::rowvec& uR) -> arma::rowvec {
arma::rowvec v(2,arma::fill::zeros);
v(0) = uL(0) - 1;
v(0) = uL(0) - 1; // solution fixed as 1 at end points
v(1) = uR(0) - 1;
return v;
Expand All @@ -87,16 +85,15 @@ int main() {

bvp_opts opts;
opts.num_points = 100;
opts.jacobian_func = &J; // providing a jacobian function improves runtime significantly
// opts.solver = numerics::LMLSQR;
// opts.jacobian_func = &J; // providing a jacobian function improves runtime significantly

dsolnp soln = bvp(f, bc, guess, opts);
x1 = arma::conv_to<stdv>::from(soln.independent_var_values);
U1 = arma::conv_to<stdv>::from(soln.solution_values.col(0));
stdv U2 = arma::conv_to<stdv>::from(soln.solution_values.col(1));

graph.plot_xy(x1,U1,"u(x) -- guess of cos(x)");
graph.plot_xy(x1,U2,"v(x) -- guess of sin(x)");

Expand Down
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions examples/make_bvp_ex
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
CXX = g++
CXXFLAGS = -g -Wall
LIBS = -larmadillo -lsuperlu
TARGET = bvp_ex

all: bvp_ex

bvp_ex: bvp_ex.o polyInterp.o wolfe_step.o newton.o broyd.o lmlsqr.o finite_dif.o cheb.o linear_bvp.o nonlin_bvp.o wait.o
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $(TARGET) *.o $(LIBS)

%.o: %.cpp $(DEPS)
cheb.o: ODEs/cheb.cpp $(DEPS)
$(CXX) -g -Wall -c ODEs/cheb.cpp
linear_bvp.o: ODEs/linear_bvp.cpp $(DEPS)
$(CXX) -g -Wall -c ODEs/linear_bvp.cpp
nonlin_bvp.o: ODEs/nonlin_bvp.cpp $(DEPS)
$(CXX) -g -Wall -c ODEs/nonlin_bvp.cpp
bvp_ex.o: examples/bvp_ex.cpp $(DEPS)
$(CXX) -g -Wall -c examples/bvp_ex.cpp
wait.o: examples/wait.cpp
$(CXX) -g -Wall -c examples/wait.cpp

rm *.o
rm bvp_ex
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions examples/make_minimize_ex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,15 +6,13 @@ TARGET = minimize_ex

all: minimize_ex

minimize_ex: minimize_ex.o minimize_unc.o newton.o momentum.o sgd.o bfgs.o broyd.o lmlsqr.o nlcgd.o finite_dif.o cyc_queue.o wait.o
minimize_ex: minimize_ex.o minimize_unc.o newton.o momentum.o sgd.o bfgs.o broyd.o lmlsqr.o nlcgd.o finite_dif.o cyc_queue.o line_min.o roots.o wolfe_step.o
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $(TARGET) *.o $(LIBS)

%.o: %.cpp $(DEPS)

minimize_ex.o: examples/minimize_ex.cpp $(DEPS)
$(CXX) -g -c examples/minimize_ex.cpp
wait.o: examples/wait.cpp
$(CXX) -g -c examples/wait.cpp

rm *.o
40 changes: 30 additions & 10 deletions examples/minimize_ex.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,49 +7,69 @@ typedef std::vector<double> vvd;
void wait_for_key();

int main() {
int n = 10; // n=2 for rosenbrock, anything for the others
arma::vec x = 5 - 10*arma::randu(100);
arma::vec w = arma::linspace(-5,5,x.n_elem);

arma::vec x;
x = 5 - 10*arma::randu(n); // styb-tang or sphere
// x = {4*arma::randu()-2, 4*arma::randu() - 1}; // rosenbrock
if (n <= 5) std::cout << "initial point: " << x.t() << std::endl;

arma::vec w = arma::linspace(-5,5,n); // for sphere

arma::vec tru_min;
tru_min = arma::ones(n);
tru_min *= -2.9035; // for rosenbrock

// sphere function
// styblinski tang
// rosenbrock
vec_dfunc g = [&w](const arma::vec& x) -> double {
// return arma::norm(x - w);
return arma::sum(x%x%x%x - 16*x%x + 5*x)/2;
// return std::pow(1-x(0),2) + 100*std::pow(x(1) - x(0)*x(0),2);
vector_func dg = [&w](const arma::vec& x) -> arma::vec {
// return 2*(x-w);
return (2*x%x%x - 16*x + 2.5);
// return {-2*(1-x(0)) - 400*x(0)*(x(1)-x(0)*x(0)),
// 200*(x(1)-x(0)*x(0))};
sp_vector_func dgi = [&w](const arma::vec& x,int i) -> double {
// return 2*(x(i) - w(i));
return (2*x(i)*x(i)*x(i) - 16*x(i) + 2.5);
// none for rosenbrock
vec_mat_func J = [](const arma::vec& x) -> arma::mat {
// return 2*arma::eye(x.n_elem, x.n_elem);
return arma::diagmat(6*x%x - 16);
// return {{1200*x(0) - 400*x(1) + 2, -400*x(0)},
// {-400*x(0), 200}};

optim_opts opts;
// opts.use_bfgs(&dg); std::cout << "using BFGS..." << std::endl;
// opts.use_momentum(&dg); std::cout << "using momentum gradient descent..." << std::endl;
// opts.use_sgd(&dgi); opts.stochastic_batch_size = 50; std::cout << "using batch stochastic gradient descent..." << std::endl;
// opts.use_lmlsqr(&dg); std::cout << "using Levenberg-Marquardt least squares..." << std::endl;
// opts.use_sgd(&dgi); opts.stochastic_batch_size = 5; std::cout << "using batch stochastic gradient descent..." << std::endl;
// opts.use_lmlsqr(&dg); opts.hessian_func = &J; std::cout << "using Levenberg-Marquardt least squares..." << std::endl;
// opts.use_lbfgs(&dg); opts.num_iters_to_remember = 5; std::cout << "using limited memory BFGS..." << std::endl;
opts.use_lncgd(&dg); opts.hessian_func = &J; opts.tolerance = 1e-10; std::cout << "using conjugate gradient method..." << std::endl;
// opts.use_nlcgd(&dg); std::cout << "using conjugate gradient method..." << std::endl;
// opts.use_newton(&dg,&J); std::cout << "using Newton's method..." << std::endl;
opts.use_FD_hessian = true;
opts.tolerance = 1e-5;
opts.max_iter = 1000;

clock_t tt = clock();
minimize_unc(g, x, opts);
double gx = numerics::minimize_unc(g, x, opts);
tt = clock() - tt;

arma::vec centers = {-2.903,0,2.903};
arma::vec centers;
centers = {-2.903,0.1567,2.746}; // styb-tang
// centers = {-2,-1,0,1,2}; // rosenbrock and sphere
arma::uvec bins = arma::hist(x,centers);
int i = arma::index_max(bins);

std::cout << "\noptimization results:\t\t" << g(x) << std::endl
<< "true min:\t\t\t" << g(-2.903*arma::ones(x.n_elem)) << std::endl
std::cout << "\noptimization results:\t\t" << gx << std::endl
<< "true min:\t\t\t" << g(tru_min) << std::endl
<< "mode(x):\t\t\t " << centers(i) << std::endl
<< "minimize_unc() took " << (float)tt/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << std::endl
<< "num iterations needed: " << opts.num_iters_returned << std::endl;
Expand Down
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions examples/newton_ex.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
#include "../numerics.hpp"
#include <iomanip>

// g++ -Wall -g -o newton_ex examples/newton_ex.cpp newton.cpp broyd.cpp lmlsqr.cpp finite_dif.cpp -larmadillo
// g++ -Wall -g -o newton_ex examples/newton_ex.cpp newton.cpp broyd.cpp lmlsqr.cpp finite_dif.cpp cyc_queue.cpp wolfe_step.cpp -larmadillo

using namespace numerics;

int main() {
auto f = [](const arma::vec& x) -> arma::vec { // function

vector_func f = [](const arma::vec& x) -> arma::vec { // function
arma::vec y = {0,0,0};
y(0) = x(0)*x(1) - 1;
y(1) = x(0) + x(1)*x(2);
Expand All @@ -26,11 +28,11 @@ int main() {

arma::vec root = {-1.25992, -0.793701, -1.5874};

std::cout << "In this file you can test the nonlinear solvers: Newton's method, BFGS, Broyden's method, and Levenberg-Marquardt." << std::endl;
std::cout << "In this file you can test the nonlinear solvers: Newton's method, Broyden's method, and Levenberg-Marquardt." << std::endl;
std::cout << "we will try to find roots of f(x,y,z) = [xy - 1, x + yz, 2y - z] with initial guess [-1,-1,-1]." << std::endl;
std::cout << "for newton we will need the jacobian: " << std::endl << "[y x 0]\n[1 z y]\n[0 2 -1]" << std::endl;
std::cout << "we also know there is only one root at: [-1.25992, -0.793701, -1.5874]" << std::endl;
arma::vec x0 = {-1,-1,-1};
arma::vec x0 = 4*arma::randu(3) - 2;

nonlin_opts opts;
opts.use_FD_jacobian = true;
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