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Linux udev keys binding

fp4code edited this page Feb 16, 2016 · 22 revisions

As root, install program evtest

sudo apt-get install evtest

Run it

sudo evtest

Find the smart pointer entry, for example

/dev/input/event6:	Gaon-Int Wireless Presenter

Give the device event number (here 6). Or interrupt and restart evtest giving the device path

sudo evtest /dev/input/event6

First, read the line Input device ID:

Input device ID: bus 0x3 vendor 0xef5 product 0x3014 version 0x100

Memorize bus, vendor and product values using 4 capitalized digits without 0x: 0003 0EF5 3014. They will be used later.

Now click on device buttons and read scancode after (MSC_SCAN), value

Event: time 1455575367.579903, type 4 (EV_MSC), code 4 (MSC_SCAN), value 7004b

The scancode is here 7004b.

As root, create a file /etc/udev/hwdb.d/61-smart-pointer.hwdb and put in it something similar to

### Smart pointer UP4-SP-800 (aka Satechi SP600) binding example ###
  KEYBOARD_KEY_7004b=pageup   # key marked PAGE UP    -> previous
  KEYBOARD_KEY_70005=left     # key marked PAUSE      -> left
  KEYBOARD_KEY_70029=right    # key marked START #1   -> right
  KEYBOARD_KEY_7003e=right    # key marked START #2   -> right
  KEYBOARD_KEY_7004e=pagedown # key marked PAGE DOWN  -> next
  KEYBOARD_KEY_70052=b        # key marked PREV       -> toggle blank mode
  KEYBOARD_KEY_70051=esc      # key marked NEXT       -> toggle overview mode
  KEYBOARD_KEY_700e2=unknown  # key marked ALT-TAB #1 -> nothing 
  KEYBOARD_KEY_7002b=f11      # key marked ALT-TAB #2 -> full screen

The formula b0003v0EF5p3014* is constructed by chaining character b, bus value 0003, character v, vendor value 0EF5, character p, product value 3014, a star *. Very important, hex numbers should be have 4 capitalized digits.

To assign the value pageup to the top key which emits scancode 0x7004b, write


The word pageup on the right of = sign comes from

For UP4-SP-800 smart pointer (aka Satechi SP600), the keys START and ALT-TAB are special. START generates alternatively scancodes 0x70029 and 0x7003e. ALT-TAB generates scancode 0x700e2 followed by scancode 0x7002b. Here f11 is used as full screen command on Chrome, Firefox, etc.

To take into account the content of the file, call

sudo udevadm hwdb --update
sudo udevadm trigger

Tested on Ubuntu 15.10.

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