This is my personal project. So far the hardware consists of:
- Raspberry Pi 2B
- PCA9685 hat for the Pi
- Robotic arm (diymore ROT3Us) with six MG996R servos
- Separate power supplies for the Pi and the servos
sudo apt-get install python-smbus
sudo apt-get install i2c-tools # might already get installed with the above
After that, detect the 0x40 address of the PCA9685 hat:
sudo i2cdetect -y 1
For the Adafruit library, execute the following:
pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-servokit
pip3 install flask
You might also need to install the following:
pip3 install typeguard
Then, do the following:
export FLASK_APP=server/
flask run
You will now see the server running. By opening localhost:5000, you can see a reply from the server.
The kinematics/sixdof_arm.urdf file can be visualized in Foxglove Studio. To do that, install Foxglove Studio and open the file in it under "Custom layers". The model should look like the following.