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Project: Developing an automated test suite for a dummy web application


The first task will check your knowledge in user interface automation.
The expected outcome is an automated test framework for the dummy website.
Use the standard_user whose credentials are provided on the main page.
Automate the purchase flow.

You are expected to:

  1. Provide the manual test case(s) covering the flow
  2. Automate the prepared manual test case(s)
  3. Enable the testing of the provided functionality as part of a CI/CD pipeline
  4. Provide execution instructions and enough information explaining the final solution
  5. Describe the chosen testing approach and anything you could improve about the technical task

1. Provide the manual test case(s) covering the flow

Title: E2E - Succesfully purchase one product

Preconditions: The cart is empty, there are no pending items to purchase

  1. Login into the site using the provided credentials (standard_user)

    • Expected partial results:
      • User is successfully logged in
      • The homepage with a list of products is displayed to the user
      • The cart is empty (it is not showing any value)
  2. Select a product and take note of its values: price, description, etc

  3. Click on the Add to cart button of the selected product

    • Expected partial results:
      • The Add to cart button that was clicked changed its text to Remove
      • The cart is now showing a 1
  4. Click on the Cart icon to access its content

    • Expected partial results:
      • The content of the cart is displayed to the user
      • The values of the product in the cart are correct (input: step 2)
      • The app under test does not allow users to buy more than 1 item of the same product, so the quantity value will be 1
  5. Click on the Checkout button

    • Expected partial results:
      • A form page is displayed to the user
      • The form has 3 fields that the user needs to fill out in order to proceed with the purchase: First Name, Last Name and Zip/Postal Code
  6. Fill out all the fields in the form and click on the Continue button

    • Expected partial results:
      • An overview of the purchase is displayed to the user
      • The values of the product in the cart are correct (input: step 2)
      • The user can see also related information about: Payment, Shipping, Prices and Total amount
      • The maths are correct based on the price of the product and the applied taxes
      • The cart is still showing 1
  7. Click on the Finish button

    • Expected results:
      • A successful message is displayed to the user confirming that the purchase was finished correctly
      • No email is sent to the user
      • The cart is empty (it does not show any value)

2. Automate the prepared manual test case(s)

Tech Stack

3. Enable the testing of the provided functionality as part of a CI/CD pipeline

CI/CD implementation

  • The automation project is integrated with github actions for CI/CD
  • The automated test case will run after every push to the main branch
  • The automated test case can be run manually using the github workflow


  • Extra: the automation project is also integrated with Cypress Cloud for reporting and debugging purposes


4. Provide execution instructions and enough information explaining the final solution

Automation implementation

Project setup
  1. Make sure you have Node installed on your system before proceeding with the project (based on your OS)
  2. Checkout the code from the provided url (
  3. Open the project on VS Code
  4. Open the terminal and run yarn in order to install needed dependencies

Project execution
  • There are 3 scripts in the package.json file to run the scenario in different ways
  • yarn cy:run
  • yarn cy:open
  • yarn cy:ci

Script yarn cy:run

  • When running this script, the test case will be executed locally in a headless way
  • After the test finishes running, a new video will be stored inside the videos folder with a record of the execution (videos are deleted before every new execution)
  • In case there was a failure, the framework will take a screenshot of the error and store it inside the screenshots folder
  • The results of the execution will be displayed like this:


Script yarn cy:open

  • When running this script the Cypress Runner will be opened and the tester can utilize it to execute the test case
  • When using the runner, the user can navigate back in time and review previous steps and responses
  • The user can see the execution of the test inside the runner
  • No videos, nor screenshots are stored during this execution
  • The user can re-run the test case from the runner without using the script again
  • Check the following video to see the execution of the test inside the runner

Script yarn cy:ci

  • Use this script to run the test cases in the CI/CD
  • This script contains the key to the Cypress Cloud integration

Information about the project implementation
  • Since this is a UI automation project, I am using a page object pattern to group and manage the locators of the elements in a reusable way (Check fixtures/page-objects folder)

  • Reusable methods were implemented at the page object level

  • Reusable custom commands were implemented inside the commands.ts file

  • After following the setup process, test cases can be run using the scripts provided inside the package.json file

  • Cypress uses chaining to perform actions over the web elements, like this: cartPage.getCheckoutButton().click() <-- Here, the cartPage page object is queried to return the checkout button. After the button is retrieved, the click() action is performed over that element

  • The values used in the test are retrieved from a file (user.json) so the management of the data is performed outside of the logic of the test

  • Expect and Should assertions are used indistinctly to validate values and states during the execution of the test

  • Since I am using Typescript, when a new custom command is implemented, the Chainable interface needs to be updated with the signature of the method (check commands.ts file)

5. Describe the chosen testing approach and anything you could improve about the technical task

Testing approach

  • The test follows the flow of the purchase of a single product from the login step until the final confirmation of the purchase
  • Web elements are identified by their locators using a relative locator approach where locators are implemented using unique values and without relying on unnecessary DOM structures
  • Every page has its own page object class with its elements and locators
  • A reusable method was implemented for the login step where the credentials are passed to the method and the interaction with the appropriate elements is defined
  • After selecting a product, its values are checked during the whole execution of the test in every place where the product is displayed to the user
  • This is a "happy path" test case where only the basic flow is validated, in order to provide better coverage, several test cases would need to be implemented to validate more positive test cases, edge cases, negative test cases, and other positive scenarios involving navigation

Improvements of technical tasks

These are some improvements that can be performed over this project:

  • Use an API to gain access to the app programmatically
  • Select the products and the number of products in a random/dynamic way instead of hardcoding the one to be used during the test
  • The app needs more scenarios to cover the whole functionality
  • I would use visual testing tools like Percy to validate the UI during the execution of the test
  • Improve validation methods to handle several/random products
  • Improve math validation method to handle several products
  • If the UI would allow the selection of more than one item per product we would need to devise scenarios for that case


Web UI automation framework with Cypress and Typescript






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