SEALCrypt is a C++ library that provides homomorphic encryption capabilities using Microsoft SEAL. It offers a simplified interface for common encryption operations while leveraging the power of SEAL's homomorphic encryption features.
- File encryption/decryption using homomorphic encryption
- Streamlined SEAL integration
- Thread-safe file handling
- Comprehensive test suite
- CMake-based build system
- Can be used as both a standalone executable and a library
- CMake (>= 3.12)
- C++17 compatible compiler
- Microsoft SEAL (>= 4.1)
- Git (for installation)
git clone
cd SEALCrypt
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
# From the build directory
sudo make uninstall
- CMake Integration
find_package(sealcrypt REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(your_target PRIVATE sealcrypt::sealcrypt)
- Basic Example
#include <sealcrypt/encrypt.hpp>
#include <sealcrypt/decrypt.hpp>
#include <sealcrypt/file_handler.hpp>
int main() {
// Your encryption/decryption code here
return 0;
# Encrypt a file
sealcrypt encrypt --input input.txt --output output.encrypted --public-key public.key
# Decrypt a file
sealcrypt decrypt --input output.encrypted --output decrypted.txt --private-key private.key
SEALCrypt comes with a comprehensive test suite. Each component has its own test file that can be run independently.
# Build and run all tests
cd build
make run_all_tests
# Run specific test
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
# Set the project name
# Specify the C++ standard
# Find the SEALCrypt library
find_package(SEALCrypt REQUIRED)
# Add the executable
add_executable(main main.cpp)
# Link the SEALCrypt library
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE sealcrypt::sealcrypt)
- Encryptor: Handles encryption operations using SEAL's homomorphic encryption
- Decryptor: Manages decryption of homomorphically encrypted data
- FileHandler: Provides thread-safe file operations for encrypted data