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Some ocean processing and simulation tools, initially designed to work with optical imagery ... but expanded to work with altimetry, CFOSAT, SWOT. Their common point: use of geometrical optics approximation for investigating / processing the effects of wind-generated surface gravity waves in various types of data.

Main contributors: Fabrice Ardhuin Marine De Carlo

These tools have been used for the following papers: Total Surface Current Vector and Shear from a Sequence of Satellite images: Effect of Waves in Opposite Directions Wave groups and small scale variability of wave heights observed by altimeters Along-track resolution and uncertainty of altimeter-derived wave height and sea level: re-defining the significant wave height in extreme storms


git clone --quiet

Contents and quick run: MATLAB

MATLAB folder contains some of the original codes, in particular you can

I) test the principle of 3-image method using 1D data and Monte-Carlo simulations to check for averaging effect and random errors opposite_test

II) Simulate some satellite images and analyze the phase speeds

  1. define wave spectrum (here using buoy data) and wind and current ... [Efth,freq,dir2]=define_spectrum;

U10=6; d2r=pi/180; Udir=40.*d2r; % direction to, trig. convention Ux=0; Uy=0;

  1. simulate images , for example

phitrig =[ 148.1901 148.8061 149.4561 149.4561]; offspec=[8.9740 9.0674 9.1693 9.1693]; theta=[6.2804 6.2413 6.2114 6.2114]; imgtimes=[0 0.5 1 1]; [imgs, nx, ny, x, y, dx, dy ] = S2_simu(Efth,freq,dir2,U10,Udir,Ux,Uy,imgtimes,offspec,phitrig,theta,10,801 ,1000,0. ,0.,0.15,1);

3.a S2_3ana : this is the 3-image method of Ardhuin et al. (2021) : this is super-slow.

3.b S2_analysis : standard 2-image phase difference method

III) Read a piece of Sentinel 2 imagery and do the same kind of analysis

  1. load image (here this is just a small piece to make the tar not too big) load S2img

  2. Run analysis

2.a S2_3ana : this is the 3-image method of Ardhuin et al. (2021) : this is super-slow.

Contents and quick run: Python

for running on datarmor you may need to : git clone OPTOOLS cd OPTOOLS/PYTHON module load conda/latest pip install rasterio python

Would be nice to add a few notebooks that do the same things as the matlab script described above ..

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cd existing_repo
git remote add origin
git branch -M main
git push -uf origin main

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